Posted by Sell lioness from their page

EnVos|3Ros (#104476)

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Posted on
2024-12-14 07:02:37

I don't know if this has been suggested before, I did not see any post mentionning it.

So, I have this issue where I have a LOT of lions to sell... I always sell my lions individually and always end up having to have two or more tabs open so I can see the lion, their markings, base etc. as well as the Trading page open. And once I get to the step of selecting the lion to sell, I have so many of them that it quickly gets confusing and I either have to give the lions "temporary names" or make sure I get the right lion ID so that I don't make a mistake. But it all takes a very long time to do when you got 20+ lions to put up for sale...

So I was thinking, we could have a "sale" section on our lions pages that we could unable (a bit like how securing a lion makes it so we can't chase them and/or similar to the studding section on our kings) in which we could have the option to put a price for the lion as well as set it up for "private" or "public" and specify if we accept offers or not.

Now, I got no idea how much work this would be so this is by no means a "request", but just a suggestion as I might not be the only one with this issue.

Thank you for reading and don't hesitate to give more suggestions for it!

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Relliam (#446131)

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Posted on
2024-12-14 16:30:29
I came to make the same suggestion so I fully support! Same issue, it’s a pain in the @$$ to sell lions the current way.

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