
Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-12-16 19:39:39
Not sure if this is the right spot since nobody answered when I asked where to post this 🔥🔥

I’m Jaz and I’m super into Gartic Phone, but let’s be real, most Lioden players don’t really have friends/HJ. So, I'm starting


We play [almost] every week! If it works out, we might even get a clan going for this!!

But we can’t play without enough people! As soon as five folks are on board and ready, we’ll kick off a Gartic Phone game [almost] every Sunday around 6 [Eastern Time].

Fake Q&A

Q. How do I join?
A. Just drop a comment saying you wanna join!

Q. HOW do I join?
A. Check in around 6 EST; the game link will be posted here!

Q. Are there rules?
A. Just put your Lioden name as your name so we can recognize you.

Q. What do you mean "almost"?
A. I can’t always make it, which is why I’m thinking about starting a clan for this!

Q. How do we know when you can’t make it?
A. If I can’t, it’ll just say "couldn't make it" instead of a link :3c

GAME LINK: need players first!

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