Posted by Make Maneless a Posed Mutation

Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2024-12-26 13:15:04
So, with the release of the Spirited pose... males now have poses! Which means, theoretically speaking, male-only mutations(such as "Maneless" could now become Posed mutations.

Atm I'm only going to make a suggestion for Maneless in particular, because that would require absolutely zero extra artwork to implement- just coding, really, as the base lineart for the Spirited pose already works fine as maneless art when you don't layer the mane art on top of it.

(As seen here, using Inspect Element to remove the mane in the wardrobe:)

I think the Spirited pose without a mane looks really nice, and it would be cool to be able to have lions actually look like that ingame by applying the pose to a Maneless lion.

This suggestion has 31 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2024-12-26 13:16:56
It is likely to come, mutations aren't in the wardrobe yet (pies/patches), so maybe just give them time <3
I believe stuff is being added on the 27th (tomorrow!)

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Edited on 26/12/24 @ 13:17:14 by Fraekinn [15BO Constellation] (#57572)

Hok-Z |
| G1 Ennedi (#170947)

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Posted on
2024-12-26 13:17:52
Ive kinda been thinking about how Maneless is kinda pointless as a mutation. I feel like we should have it be attached to an item to "shave" and "regrow" hair...

Because honestly, the manes look nice but for queens it would be great to have the ability to cut the mane off while still having pies/patches available.

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Errant (#189174)

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Posted on
2024-12-26 14:55:32
It's probably in the works along with other mutations, but yes I support!

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2024-12-26 15:00:16
Yeah, I knew the Piebald mutations were still just WIP and intended to be added after Christmas, but wasn't sure about any others like Maneless, so :'D

Especially since Maneless was never coded as a posed mutation in the first place(likely bc it's male-only and until now, males didn't have poses)- the other posed mutations are coded, just missing art.

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Edited on 26/12/24 @ 15:01:55 by Tosca [Clean Interstellar] (#75103)

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