Posted by LF: Jaglions Boost OF: 200+ GB items

Silverfox (Willow) (#491815)

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Posted on
2024-12-28 14:25:47
Hi! I’m currently looking for some cheap Jag boost, I would preferably buy them in bulk, but I am okay buying only 1 ^^

I’ve checked the prices of the items I have to offer and listed their cheapest GB/SB prices on the branch (or Oasis) below. Here’s how I’ve laid it out:

This Offer is now a bit on the Low side!! I bought some Hybrids (Thank you all<3) and need to restock!!

•Item (Total GB price and SB price)
Specific item (GB/SB price)

I have a thread where I sell various items (linked below), but here I list the items I don’t typically sell. (Meaning I would only sell them for a Jag boost)

Here’s what I’m offering:

Event currency:

•GB (may change)
0 pure GB

•SB (will change often)
1500 SB
GB/SB is only for bulk buy

•Apps (Total: )
1x Ammonite Body
2x Blue Lace
1x Red Lace
1x Proteles Scarce
1x Eldritch Immolation
1x Eldritch Ritual
1x Eye Confetti
1x Fuchsia Mane
1x Penumbra Body
2x Jackle
1x Lycaon Heavy
1x Hyena Blots Heavy

•Special Use Items (Total: 4 GB)
8 Bundle of Herbs - 150 SB each
4 Catnip - 250 SB
10 Nesting Materials - 60 SB each / 10 SB per use
Pickled Roe - 460 SB
Snake Scent - 25 SB
Suspicious Tadpol - 100 SB
13 Toy Bundle - 100 SB each

•Decorations/Backgrounds (101 GB & 8260 SB)
Amber Square Necklace (3 GB)
Amber Square Rump Wear (1 GB)
Ammonite Cave (800 SB)
Body Paint: Easter Swirls (850 SB)
Body Paint Ethereal Touch (900 SB)
Body Paint: Ethereal Vision (150 SB)
Body Paint: Swirls (1 GB & 200 SB)
2 Dancer Chains [Gold] (10 GB)
Endangered Hipwear [Koppie Blue] (6 GB)
Hare Bone Piercings (30 SB)
Honey Bush Crown (4 GB)
Jewelry: Black Ornate Blindfold (4 GB)
Jewelry: Bloodstone Earrings (4 GB)
Jewelry: Fire Opal Pendant (800 SB)
Jewelry: Giant Stick Bedlah (5 GB)
Jewelry: Kanga [Hematite] (1 GB &100 SB)
Jewelry: Nuummite Tail Ornament (5 GB)
Jewelry: Rough Opal Pendant (800 SB)
Jewelry: Royal Bedlah (1 GB)
Jewelry: Sparkling Opal Pendant (700 SB)
Jingle Bell Anklets (1 GB)
Jingle Bells Earrings (4 GB & 700 SB)
Little Whisper (390 SB)
Locust Earrings [Blue] (900 SB)
Mistletoe Earrings (2 GB)
18 Moonlight (Can craft more Decor) (1 GB)
Mysterious Stranger's Tail Bands (1 GB)
Pearl and Flower Ornaments [White] (5 GB)
Pinecone Earrings [Frosted] (4 GB)
Shamanic Tarot: Empress Bodywear (2 GB)
Shiny Rock Right Nose Piercing [Black] (100 SB)
Shiny Rock Right Triple Ear Piercing [Teal] (100 SB)
Simple Leg Jewelry [Golden] (2 GB)
Turquoise Bracelet (5 GB)
Vision of Ancestors (2 GB)
Whisper (1 GB & 240 SB)

•Lion/esses (Total: 37 GB+)
All in my nursery den or unsorted den on my side
Special base Dwarf lioness (2 heats left)
Combo Base Mudstone Lioness (2 - 5 GB)
Only for young (low gen) hybrids!!

6+BO cubs
Over 8/10 NRLC of the Vagabond/Bushveld line

In Total: 170GB +

And here are all the items I also have to offer, but I am currently selling: Items for Sale
In the other thread, there should be around: 66 GB worth of Apps and more items (So in Total 70GB +)

So counting these items here + from the other thread I can offer over 200 GB

I know that it is pretty low since most people are looking for pure GB so I am trying to get more pure GB and will update as I go.
Let me know if you're interested, and feel free to reach out with any offers or questions!

If you are a hoarder (like myself) and don't know what to do with your item check out this thread, the owner is a very kind person who will gladly buy your items, and because of her, I was able to reach that much GB and make my giveaways<3
She has a list of what she buys for the month with the prices, but she also buys items from past events! Just ask.
Buying: "Month" Items ~ 1GB = "event currency"

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Edited on 12/02/25 @ 15:29:23 by Silverfox (Willow) (#491815)

Ace (#289174)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-12-28 16:26:23
hi! so I currently have a g4 jag. If you'd like, I'd be willing to give you a heat of hers during I'd be happy to wave the fee if you provide the barks:)

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Silverfox (Willow) (#491815)

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Posted on
2024-12-28 16:30:06
I already have 2 heats reserved! Still thank you for the kind offer.

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Ace (#289174)

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Posted on
2024-12-28 16:31:04

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G2 DF Prismatic
CS-Neutron eye (#30333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2025-02-07 06:57:21
I'm selling jag boosts for 120hs each I have 3 left currently. Only needing lioness, payment and ibf for each

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Silverfox (Willow) (#491815)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 07:00:00
I am currently saving up HS for some heats I have reserved and an RLC I am buying, sorry

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Edited on 07/02/25 @ 07:00:12 by Silverfox (Willow) (#491815)

G2 DF Prismatic
CS-Neutron eye (#30333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2025-02-07 07:05:34
Ok if you get 2 Buffalo Scrotums or 4 yoh barks you don't want to use by the end of the month let me know that's what I would be asking for them with the hs. :)

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Silverfox (Willow) (#491815)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 07:06:11
Will do ^^

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