Posted by Adopts for January Currency + Items!

Azazel [Rolled
King!] (#233039)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2025-01-01 15:17:36
Hello lovelies !

I have adopts (all hand-drawn and colored by myself) I am looking to rehome, specifically for January Currencies, January Decors/Items, and other items too.

- Transferable only by toyhouse!
- SB, Leather Beetles, and Items/Decors/Apps for payment only!
- Payment is expected up front!

x2 Giant Tortoises (Bone Pit, 20 LB each = 40 LB)
x3 Vulture Eggs (Carrion Shop, 30 SB each = 90 SB)

x1 Roasted Vulture (Carrion Shop, 500 SB)
x2 Leopard Orchids (Bone Pit, 20 LB each = 40 LB)

x1 Lion Meat (100 LB or 2000 SB)
x1 App Feline White and x1 App Onyx Lace (2000 SB)
x1 App Primal (100 LB)

x1 App Primal (100 LB)

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Dawnstream (#174766)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2025-01-01 15:42:59
Could I buy the first adopt with the 3 vulture eggs?

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