Posted by split up marking tier three

fungalmuse (g2 14bo
briarbomb) (#492691)

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Posted on
2025-01-16 12:39:40
Currently, t3 is the most unhelpful marking tier. Every other marking tier tells you a decent amount of information about the marking, where it comes from, and whether or not it's BO (excluding t5, but that ones not as bad IMO). 0 from the wild, 1 from the customizer, 2 from the raffle, 4 from RNG, and 6 from RMAs. tier 5 is a bit confusing since its just a grab bag of every non-RMA-able marking, but its at least not as confusing because only 3 markings in it (PR, MR, MS) are BO and the rest are applicable.

but tier 3? contains literally everything. knowing a marking is t3 tells you absolutely nothing about it. t3 is referred to as the 'event tier', but several applicable markings that are crafted and have nothing to do with events are shoved in t3. year round exclusive NCL marks are also in this tier. off the top of my head, t3 contains:
-piety markings (debatably BO)
-event shop applicator marks (not BO)
-craftable applicator marks (not BO)
-year-round exclusive NCL marks (BO)
-exclusive event markings from event studs/lionesses (BO)

why are all of these in the same tier? they have nothing to do with each other, and it makes sorting through a particular marking's origin when you're trying to determine how many breedonly traits a lion has (or even just trying to find out where a pretty mark you saw on a lion came from so you can apply it yourself) that much harder. lioden has a ton of markings, and more get added every year. it's not feasible to remember them all.

I propose that the BO markings (year round NCL, event stud/lioness) in t3 get moved into their own tier, reserving t3 as the RMAable applicator tier.

let me know what you think in the comments!

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