Posted by Shiny Piercings, More Color!

Strawberry|x2 Briar
Ros|Pink-B (#340185)

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Posted on
2025-01-22 08:32:32
Ever wanted the piercing decor from shiny rocks but find they're too shiny?

I feel maybe adding in new sets of rock piercings or just toning down the brightness on the original set would be nice!
-Ex. The green set, looks very "Toxic Waste" green than a natural, darker green. For me, its unbalanced with the colors of most green lions. The OG shiny rock itself seems darker/more natural too imo!

The same as normal w/ Shiny Rocks! We just have two variants: Dark|Light
-Variants like Black and White of course wouldn't be darkened/lightened
-could instead add GEM piercings that look like the simple shiny rock piercings! x15 Carnelian for a darker red, could add opal, etc!
(i know there is gem sets, they look different and aren't what i'm intending :3)

Hopefully this lets us pickier decorators get our lions to the shop for those pretty piercings!
-There is a forum for *more* shiny piercings types (i.e Snake bites) that I think would work well with this recolor idea too!

This suggestion has 11 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 22/01/25 @ 08:33:29 by Strawberry|x2 Briar Ros|Pink-B (#340185)

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