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Posted by | lion role improvement's |
![]() [REDRAIN]2025 july project (#275909) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-01-23 07:23:07 |
so we currently have 3 role (if you count none) none Hunter and Brood mother but in my opinion there is room for improvement if you have further ideas please let me know or if you do not support let me know why :) now into the suggestion's! so in my opinion brood mother's are kind of useless ![]() i know we do have a (Auto-Nesting) option we can buy but 15 GB isn't exactly "beginner friendly" so why don't we replace it with a more realistic option brood mother's will now nest any pregnant lioness that is on her last day of pregnancy you will have to have the nesting material in you're hoard so it's not free nesting to prevent her from using unwanted item's you will be able to assign to her the item's you want her to use if she is not a assigned any item's she will use any item's available Brood mother Nesting ____________________________________________________________________________________ a brood mother can only nest a certain amount of lioness at a time per day so the number of brood lioness you can have will stay the same you can have one brood mother per 10 territory so maybe a maximum of 5 a day?? ____________________________________________________________________________________ how you would assign a brood mother with material's ____________________________________________________________________________________ brood mother's will now appear in the Nesting cave in the Nesting cave you will see a new section called (brood mother's) this is where you will be able to assign a brood mother with material's it will show the item's you have in you 're hoard and how many you have of that item now she will only use the assigned item's if she is to run out she will use what she can find in you're hoard if you do not have any item's she will not be able to nest any lioness ____________________________________________________________________________________ new role on top of improvement's i have also thought of a new role the lead lioness or hunt chief ____________________________________________________________________________________ what is a lead lioness /hunt chief ____________________________________________________________________________________ well a lead lioness/hunt chief is the lioness with the most hunting skill's she is respected among the pride and leads along side the male a lot of lioden player's already label one of there lioness's lead lioness so why not make it a feature? and give it some use how would the lead lioness role work? ____________________________________________________________________________________ you can only have one lead lioness in a pride if she is put in a hunting party they will have a higher chance to Bring back a larger carcass and the lioness's in the party will have a xp boost ____________________________________________________________________________________ |
[REDRAIN]2025 july project (#275909) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-01-23 08:53:44 |
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