Posted by Comprehensive February Guide

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2025-01-23 18:53:43

Most Comprehensive February Guide... Perhaps

You seem to have stumbled upon a dusty, tightly bound scroll. With a deep breath, you blow off the dust - but your clumsy paws accidentally allow the dang thing to slip away from your grasp! The scroll unfurls, the slightly sloping ground allowing it to roll and roll and... roll... Good heavens, it's still going? Whoever wrote it must have been completely crazy! Reading it may take a while.

Hey there folks! I made a guide for my (and many other players') favorite month As a disclaimer, this thing is a bit long. A smidge, really. It'll be broken into several comments, and I've included a table of contents below for easier navigation.

Introduction | Aphrodisia | Exploring
Additional Energy | Energy Items | Misc Items
Other Energy Sources | King Personalities | Avoiding Burnout
What to Buy | What NOT to Buy
Conclusion | Heart Shell Tracker

To read this in the form of a Google document, click here!


February is a rather simple and straightforward event. You explore and interact with event encounters to gain Heart Shells (HS), the event currency for the month. It is one of the best events to make money on because many players want to stash a bunch of the breeding items obtained from the shop, and the items themselves are actually rather easy to grind for in comparison to most other events’ items. In February 2024 I was able to get nearly 16k HS for myself total using two accounts with energy items and such, but I’d estimate 6-8k is more to be expected for players who are online a lot but have no energy items.

This month is NOT a battling event. Save your precious energy for other encounters! You are free to battle if you wish to get experience for your king as well as a bit of SB, but it will hinder your overall HS gathering. Event-specific battle encounters, such as the “Hoarding Lion” shown next to a large pile of HS, carry such negligible currency rewards that you would be better off just skipping the encounter and hoping for another one within the 10% energy the battle would have consumed.

Unfortunately, breeding is suboptimal during heavy explore grinding events like this one, so try to avoid it if possible. Every attempt costs 5% energy, so Very Low Fertility (VLF) lionesses in particular are likely going to suck up a lot of energy that you could use for more exploring instead. If you need to breed for projects, it’s a good idea to have enough SB on hand to purchase a few Chasteberries for particularly low fertilities. My rule of thumb is to only breed lionesses above 30% fertility, which is roughly a ⅓ chance of success. Of course, you can still be unlucky and end up wasting full energy bars on breeding attempts, but it can’t really be helped if your lionesses have to be bred.


In addition to exploring for HS, there is also a fun little feature in February known as “Aphrodisia” located on the Event page. Every 15 minutes, your king can Flirt with a lioness from another player’s pride. The lioness is selected at random from among all of the players currently online, and you can only flirt with one at a time every 15 minutes. I’ve noticed the best time to flirt and slap is between roughly 11pm-5am Lioden time, when less players are online.

The reason the lioness is selected from only online players is so that they have a chance to discover the flirter and Slap him! This has a 15 minute timer as well. Once a king begins flirting with a lioness, that timer starts counting down and the lioness’s player has 15 minutes to return to Lioden in order to attempt to chase the king off, which has roughly a 50% chance of success or failure. Successfully slapping a king grants 1-3 HS, but failing grants 1-3 HS to the other player! If the flirtation takes place with no attempts to slap, the flirting king will get a guaranteed 1 HS. I feel it is always best to try to slap if you can. Worst case scenario, the other player can potentially get a few more HS for themselves!

Because you can flirt every 15 minutes, many players find setting alarms to be helpful in maximizing the number of times they try flirting each day. I unfortunately can’t stand them these days, but when I used to use them, I’d usually just go with “Google timer” since it’s convenient. You can use an app, though, or a specific website - whatever you like best! Set it for 15 minutes and manually re-set it once you’re finished flirting (and slapping, if you have any pesky kings hanging around your lionesses!)

- Be aware that the number of lionesses in a player’s territory do NOT affect the chances of other kings flirting with them! The game first rolls to determine the player, THEN it rolls to determine which of that player’s lioness gets flirted with. So don’t worry if you only have 1 lioness, you will get roughly the same amount of opportunities to slap other kings as a player with 200 lionesses. I’ve never had zero lionesses before, so I’m not 100% sure whether you’ll be included without any.

Participating in Aphrodisia as much as you can makes a large impact on the amount of heart shells you’ll gather, so it's definitely a good idea to try to come online as often as you are able! Don’t fret if you can’t log in every 15 minutes, though; for most players, the majority of their HS will come from exploring.


When it comes to getting the most event currency, I always always always recommend at least taking a peek at the event’s explore encounters on the wiki. For all the folks who aren’t exactly new to February, it has been nearly a year since our last time seeing them, so there’s no shame in having forgotten the best options to choose! Even though I have played through quite a few February events myself, it’s still very helpful to get a refresher for which buttons I’ll want to click for each of the event encounters.

Some players keep a wiki tab open at all times while exploring, while others only open the wiki a few times during the month. I lean more towards the latter as I’m primarily a mobile player, and my phone sometimes likes to refresh the page I was on if I swap to another tab. Not very helpful if I haven’t clicked anything yet for the event encounter I was on, so I try to avoid switching tabs if I can. But it all depends on personal preference (and hardware capabilities, if applicable).

At a base level, with a non-hungry king, energy is restored by 10% every 15 minutes. That means it will fill from 0-100% every 2 and a half hours. Try to explore at least that often, minus of course times where you are asleep or otherwise unable to play. However, it is preferable to not let your energy fill up fully before exploring again because if you get “lucky” with the random +15% energy encounter at 96% energy, you’ll only get +4%. A good sweet spot would be to explore when your energy is around or below 80% in order to avoid potentially missing out on those small scraps of energy.

Unless you have valuable lions frozen on your side account, you’ll definitely want to roll both of your accounts every day for exploring to maximize how much you can get. That alone will double your potential HS gain, as you’ll have two free energy sources that you can use instead of just one! If you have a lot going on in real life (or anywhere, really) and can’t commit to rolling and grinding on two accounts daily, though, it’s perfectly fine to just work with one. Mental health is important, and you don’t want to get too stressed out!

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Edited on 23/01/25 @ 19:05:11 by Terrinthia [G1, semi-frozen] (#97101)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2025-01-23 18:53:46

Additional Energy

February is one of the most common months players stock up on energy items specifically for. While you can absolutely gather a respectable amount of heart shells without using any energy items, using items makes it far easier to gain a LOT more. Anything that can give you more opportunities to potentially find this month’s event encounters will give you a boost to the amount you can end up with.

Luckily for us, many such items exist. It is ideal to stock up several months in advance when prices for them are lower, but if you’ve just found my lil’ guide on the cusp of February it may be too late to get some of these items for reasonable prices… but at least you’ll know for next year!

Standard Energy Items

Red Bull - Doubles your energy regeneration for 8 hours. The timer begins at the top of the hour (8:00, 9:00, 10:00, etc.) so make sure to use it AFTER the hour begins - if you use it at 8:58, you’ll lose a full hour’s worth when it becomes 9:00! This item can be purchased in September’s Prophet Shop for 50 Jewel Beetles.

Roasted Lamb - Doubles your energy regeneration for 8 hours. The timer begins at the top of the hour (8:00, 9:00, 10:00, etc.) so make sure to use it AFTER the hour begins! This item can be purchased in April’s Wenet Shop for 6 Hare Points.

Energy Boost - Instantly boosts your energy to 100%. This item can be purchased in the Oasis for 2 Gold Beetles.

Meat Pie - Instantly boosts your energy to 100%, but it has 5 uses compared to Energy Boosts’ single use. This item is given for free when you roll over on your Lioden account-creation anniversary.

Bone Marrow - Grants 20% energy once per day. This item can be purchased in the Monkey Business for 80 Silver Beetles.

Marble Mush - Grants 10% energy. This item can be crafted with 40x Marble Berries from the May Tournament event. I don’t recommend bothering with it since the cost heavily outweighs the benefit. Hold onto any you may have in case the devs decide to buff the item (please, devs-).

Grub - Grants 10% energy. This item can be won from the Serengeti Shuffle game with a score of 3000-3499.

Fermented Marula Fruit - Can either reduce your energy or increase it between a range of -10% to +10%. This item can be found in Explore during certain months (January, May, November, December) as well as purchased in October’s Manticore Shop for 5 Blood Beetles. Only use this item when you are at 0% energy, so that you don’t actually lose any energy when you get a negative amount from it. Explore every time you get any positive amount of energy from them.

Miscellaneous Items

I wasn’t really sure if these belonged in the same category as the other actual energy items, so I made them their own little section. It’s optimal to use these items at the same time when possible and spam as many Energy Boosts as you can during the time that they’re active. Each item directly benefits the other(s) when used together for their limited durations. Avoid claiming any NCLs or doing any battles during this time so that you don’t waste needless minutes.

Coffee Beans - For 15 minutes, all steps taken in Explore will only consume 1-2% energy rather than 1-3% energy. This item can be found by treasure hunting submales during January, May(?), and September, as well as purchased in the Treasure Cove for 75 Doubloons.

Siren’s Call - For 15 minutes, you have a somewhat higher chance of finding event encounters in Explore. This item can be found by treasure hunting submales during September. Since I have no experience with these yet, I’m not quite sure whether they’re worth using or not. I managed to get one during September, but have been mulling over whether to try it during February just to see. I’ve never been good at grinding quickly within a 15 minute span I probably will give it a shot, for science!

Hyena Butter - For 30 minutes, it’s less likely to encounter claimable lionesses in Explore. This item can be purchased in the Monkey Business for 100 Silver Beetles.

Sanafica - For 15 minutes, it’s less likely to encounter beetle mounds in Explore. This item can be found by treasure hunting submales during January, May(?), and September, as well as purchased in the Treasure Cove during September for 22 Doubloons.

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Edited on 23/01/25 @ 19:02:16 by Terrinthia [G1, semi-frozen] (#97101)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2025-01-23 18:53:49

Other Energy Sources

Don’t have much in terms of energy items? Well, that’s alright! The site has some other places to get energy from. Some of them are a guaranteed flat amount that you can count on each time you are able to use them, while others are more up to chance. I’ll list them below in order of reliability. I will be a bit more in-depth with my descriptions of each, which will be hidden within spoilers to keep it a bit more tidy.

Daily Energy Boost

Leveling Up

Gorilla Enclave

Different Explore Zones

Old Lioness

King Personalities

There are two personalities that really shine during February, as well as other explore-heavy events that don’t have a lot of battles: Hyperactive and Candid. Both of them are easily obtainable with a Sangoma Lion Mask (purchasable from the Personality Snake in Crossroads) which costs only 400 SB. Which one you should choose depends on your personal playstyle, as well as the number of available territory spaces you have and the amount of time you can spend exploring.

Hyperactive - Adds a button that can be used once per day to gain 30% energy if your energy is below 70%. Very simple, straightforward, and quick to use, as it requires only one click to instantly get that bit of energy.

Candid - You now gain 3% energy each time you successfully claim an NCL in Explore (though it does not give you energy for lionesses auto-claimed with GB or Leopard Orchids). If you can claim at least 11 lionesses each day, it outclasses Hyperactive.

Personally, I choose Candid because I have a lot of territory and can comfortably fit at least 50 lionesses until the end of each day, or at least until I get a chance to cull or sell them. With the use of energy items, I typically claim over 30 lionesses per account, often more, so having all that extra space ensures that I won’t miss out on chances to claim due to my territory being too full.
An easy, relatively successful method I use to claim most NCLs is Snarl > Shake Mane > Puff Out Chest > Bite Neck.

If you don’t have a lot of open territory, I would probably recommend Hyperactive. It becomes annoying having to constantly clear out lions every hour when their cooldowns are up, so that can contribute to burnout when you have to do it all the time. Which brings me to…

Avoiding Burnout

Oh god, the burnout. Even I’m not immune to it, despite being super excited to grind this event every year. During February, regardless of the day, I always use 2 Roasted Lambs per account to have double energy regeneration for 16 hours of the day, so that’s a lot of energy to get through. Sometimes if I happen to be busier during the day than anticipated, it’s very difficult to find the time to clear out my energy bars every hour when they reach 80%. Especially on days where I have to work and there’s a lot to do, it’s sometimes not entirely feasible to take a quick 5 minute break and get rid of my energy.

I used to agonize over missing a few ticks of energy from being at 100% for too long (because oh my god I missed out on 60% energy?! NOOOO, that’s half an energy bar!) but it helps to just put it to the back of my mind and not think about it. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not the end of the world to miss out on some energy. Any amount of HS you get is a positive, after all!

If you find yourself getting a bit too stressed out from the game, you can take a short break. It’s not "ideal", but maybe spending a day or two, or even a few days off Lioden to rest might be a good idea to rejuvenate yourself. The event is not worth losing sleep over, I promise! I’ve seen people quit the game right after pushing too hard during grinding months because it was just too overwhelming to deal with all of the pressure of the event on top of whatever else they had going on in real life.

Try to at least make your way back online before the end of the month so you can spend whatever HS you have before the shop goes away, though! While there is always next year, it really sucks having to wait a full year if you were counting on getting those Heart Shell items to either sell to other players for currency or to keep for your own projects.

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Edited on 23/01/25 @ 18:55:18 by Terrinthia [G1, semi-frozen] (#97101)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2025-01-23 18:53:53

What to Buy

Whether you are selling your heart shells to other players this month or saving for later, these are the items people are most likely to want:

Grain of Paradise - Guarantees a minimum of 2 cubs in the next breeding. Available in tier 2 of the Flirt Shop for 30 HS. It’s a nice little "budget" item to at least ensure you don’t have a dreaded 1 cub litter when you use it.

Yohimbe Bark - Shortens a lioness’s breeding cooldown by one day without causing her to age. Available in tier 3 of the Flirt Shop for 30 HS. You’ll see plenty of players selling "barked" heats this month, which refers to using a full set of Yohimbe Barks to fully remove a lioness’s breeding cooldown, allowing her to be bred multiple times in a short timespan. As breeding cooldowns are 20 days long, it requires 20 Yohimbe Barks, which adds up quickly!

Buffalo Scrotum - Guarantees a minimum of 3 cubs in the next breeding. Available in tier 3 of the Flirt Shop for 60 HS. The top tier litter size item for higher value breedings such as hybrids, raffle lionesses, or even just someone’s project lions. If you have any of these types of lions, it’s probably a good idea to invest in some of these.

Lion Scrotum - Gives your lioness a 25% chance of passing her mutation. If she is a Double Uterus, it’s only a 5% chance. Hybrid and primal females are excluded. Available in tier 3 of the Slap Shop for 80 HS. These are necessary if you want your Double Uterus or Dwarf females to have any chance of making more of those mutations for you. Some players will also use them on Eyeless or certain mane AMPs like Noble. They don’t work on hybrids or primals because those mutations can already pass on their own (well, primal males can, not females, but the mutation itself can pass from something).

There are stat items available that some people look to stock up on. Some are better than others when it comes to price vs benefit, so I’ll list the better ones here:

Dry Palm Leaf - A toy that gives between 0-2 total stats between Smarts and Agility. Available in tier 1 of the Flirt Shop for 2 HS. It’s also able to be found in Explore during certain events like December, and won as a prize in Serengeti Shuffle. The price isn’t too bad for the stats it gives, though, and it is also used in crafting recipes.

Lovebird Plumage - A toy that gives between 0-3 total stats between Speed, Stamina, and Agility. Available in tier 1 of the Flirt Shop for 4 HS. Definitely the best stat toy option you can buy this month.

Honeycomb - A food that gives between 0-6 total stats in any stat category. Available in tier 2 of the Flirt Shop for 10 HS. I don’t think it’s quite worth the HS price, but it’s still a very decent stat item. You can also get it from Serengeti Shuffle and Slots.

Camel Toes - A toy that gives between 0-2 total stats between Speed and Stamina. Available in tier 1 of the Slap Shop for 2 HS. Pretty much about as good of a stat item as Dry Palm Leaves, but is not craftable.

The decor and applicators of this event are good as well! They may not necessarily sell as nicely as the breeding items (the applicators cost more HS and don’t typically fetch quite as high of a price later in the year), so I usually just recommend buying what you want. I’m honestly a sucker for all of the backgrounds, so I usually end up buying some of the one’s I don’t have any more copies of each year.

What NOT to Buy

Of the 12 total stat items available this month, I’d only recommend about 4 of them as "viable" purchases. Avoid buying the lower tier stat items that cost the same amount of HS as other better options:

Fluffy Bunny Carcass - A food that gives between 0-1 total stats in the Speed category. Available in tier 1 of the Flirt Shop for 3 HS. Not worth the price, since it only gives a measly 1 stat maximum. They are also available for free in the April event, so if you want to use them, that’s a far better month.

Ostrich Fluff - A toy that gives between 0-2 total stats between Speed and Stamina. Available in tier 1 of the Flirt Shop for 3 HS. It’s not a bad item, but the maximum stats and stat categories are the same as Camel Toes while costing an extra HS. I don’t know if that means they’re slightly more likely to give stats, but I wouldn’t spend my money on them to find out.

Flamingo Legs - A toy that gives between 0-2 total stats between Smarts and Agility. Available in tier 1 of the Flirt Shop for 4 HS. It also gives the same maximum stats in the same categories as Dry Palm Leaves, but costs double. Not worth the price.

Crocodile Eggs - A food that gives between 0-1 total stats in the Strength category. Available in tier 1 of the Slap Shop for 2 HS. Only gives a potential 1 stat, so I wouldn’t bother.

Hippo Fat - A food that gives between 0-1 total stats in the Stamina category. Available in tier 1 of the Slap Shop for 2 HS. Another one with only 1 stat maximum, another one to not buy.

Turtle Eggs - A food that gives between 0-1 total stats in the Smarts category. Available in tier 1 of the Slap Shop for 3 HS. Not only is this one also incredibly mediocre giving only 1 possible stat, but it’s also able to be found in Explore all year round if you explore in Shrublands with negative karma.

Kudu Horn - A toy that gives between 0-2 total stats between Strength and Agility. Available in tier 1 of the Slap Shop for 4 HS. It costs twice as much as Camel Toes (though different stat categories) but has the same potential stat gain. They can also be found in Explore year-round by rescuing a gazelle trapped in barbed wire, so that’s where I’d recommend getting them.

Longfin Eel - A toy that gives between 0-1 total stats in the Agility category. Available in tier 1 of the Slap Shop for 5 HS. No idea why this item costs so many HS when it still gives 1 freakin stat. Once again, don’t bother with this one.

These next two items are the only other ones I’d really vehemently oppose buying at all. Anything else in the shop is fair game, really!

Leopard Orchid - An alternative way to autoclaim an NCL in Explore, which also bestows her with a pretty little flower decoration on her paw. Available in tier 2 of the Flirt Shop for 20 HS. They’re a decent enough item, but the better time to get them is January when you’re not sacrificing currency that could be used to buy far better items. Because autoclaiming is always a flat fee of 2 GB, leopard orchids will never exceed that price, while other items can at least see some fluctuation throughout the year.

Baobab Fruit - Extends a lioness’s heat by one day. Available in tier 2 of the Flirt Shop for 28 HS. This is the dumbest item on Lioden. Not only does it cost nearly as many HS as a Yohimbe Bark, but it’s not even close to being as useful. It’s not even useful! A better item already exists, and it’s only 2 GB in the Oasis - the Zebra Heart. Baobab Fruit only adds one day to a heat, while you can use a Zebra Heart on a lioness with an 8 day heat cooldown and get her entire heat cycle back! Don’t buy this item.

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Edited on 23/01/25 @ 19:00:18 by Terrinthia [G1, semi-frozen] (#97101)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2025-01-23 18:53:57


I always wanted to write a guide; thank you for reading it! I know it was tedious and rather long-winded, but think of it this way: if you can stand to read my lengthy ass writing, surely you can survive the mind-numbing monotony of grinding your butt off in February

Honestly, I shoved so much crap in here that there’s a high chance I forgot to add something. I’m open to hearing about your own strategies as well if you’ve played through February before with a good amount of success! And don't be afraid to comment here with anything you’d like to mention

Heart Shell Tracker Spreadsheet

If you’d like to TRACK your Heart Shells this month, please click here to view a Google spreadsheet I made that you can input your HS amounts each day to see a running total, amount gained per day, average over the course of the month, and a neat little bar graph c: I have it set to View Only privileges, so in order to edit in your own values, click File > Make a copy and save it to your own Drive.

In the first "Rollover Amount" cell for each respective account, put the amount of HS you started the event with. For some folks that amount will be a number other than zero depending on whether you played a past February event and had any left over!

This time I have enlisted the help of friends to finally get the Average to stop giving negative values until the full month is filled out! Any time you make a purchase (e.g. 10 Buffalo Scrotums for 600 HS), record the total number of HS spent in either the D or E columns (titled "Purchases" with the correct account) for that day, otherwise it will be confused that your HS amount per day went down without explanation, and it won’t add up the proper amount for your total.

Let me know if you have any questions or problems with the spreadsheet working, and I’d be glad to (try to) assist Happy grinding!

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Edited on 03/02/25 @ 22:38:02 by Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2025-01-23 18:54:02


Gain currency by exploring and flirting/slapping every 15 minutes. Set alarms if needed.

Avoid battling.

Don’t breed lionesses with very low fertility (lower than 30%, generally).

Check the explore encounters on the wiki to pick the best options.

Explore with both accounts at least every 2 and a half hours to use all of your energy if you aren’t using double-regeneration items. Explore every hour if you are using double-regeneration items.

Energy Items list:

Miscellaneous Helpful Items (use multiple at the same time when possible, and don’t waste time claiming NCLs or battling!):

Other Energy Sources:

Do your best to grind as much as you can, but don’t stress out! Take a break if needed.

Make sure to spend your HS before the event ends!

The best items to buy are almost always going to be Yohimbe Barks, Buffalo Scrotums, and Lion Scrotums from tier 3 of the Flirt and Slap Shops.

Don’t buy Leopard Orchids or Baobab Fruit! They’re not worth their price. Pretty much anything else is fair game though!

Heart Shell Tracker Spreadsheet (Google Sheets): LINK

To edit in your own values, click File > Make a copy, and save it to your own Drive. Any time you make a purchase (e.g. 10 Buffalo Scrotums for 600 HS), record the total number of HS spent in either the D or E columns (titled “Purchases” with the correct account).

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Edited on 23/01/25 @ 18:57:27 by Terrinthia [G1, semi-frozen] (#97101)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2025-01-23 18:54:05

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🌙 Morrígra
🌙 [G1 Mazi RLC] (#33027)

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Posted on
2025-01-23 19:06:31

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Kamari (#85227)

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Posted on
2025-01-23 20:59:31
Saving for later reference <3

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Wyrm G1 3K Flint 4x
Hybrid (#450143)

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Posted on
2025-01-24 07:54:33
commenting with a hypothethical question ;

would you think it'd be better to simply get the 2 energy boost , in order to spam the event encounters for 15 minutes whilst using hyena butter, coffee beans & sirens' call ?

i'm debating how exactly i can effectively use these items, since they don't inherently work well with items like roasted lambs and red bulls, and it seems much more expensive to buy more exp items instead of just using energy boosts to get several bars (enough for 15 minutes of non-stop explore).

essentially, do you think a energy bar on average will given more than 20 HS (assuming 1 / 10 HS ratio) , to make the 2 energy bar worth it ?

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2025-01-24 08:15:11
Wyrm - Thank you for the question! Personally I've never been good at counting "event currency per energy bar" as my own explore style usually doesn't have me using full energy bars at once, but I have heard from others that they do tend to average 15-30 HS per bar depending on how lucky they get with encounters.

Of course, using those 15-minute items should theoretically bring the average toward the higher end of the scale, though it is still dependant on luck. I wouldn't advise using them at all if you don't plan to use energy boosts for the duration, as it is true that they won't be very useful with just the natural regeneration timer being every 15 minutes as it is. I'd estimate players tend to average 6-9 energy boosts used in a 15 minute span based on click speed, so I think it would be a good idea to buy 10 of them just in case, each time you plan to use coffee beans and whatever other items.

I'll make sure to pay attention and record a comparison between several energy bars with no special items used, and several energy bars with coffee beans and hyena butter used, as those two items are the easiest to obtain for most players!

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🌙 Morrígra
🌙 [G1 Mazi RLC] (#33027)

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Posted on
2025-01-24 15:05:51
I believe my luck is pretty bad, I averaged last year I think 10 HS per bar but I know others around me were usually significantly higher. And I always ONLY used boosts while buttering and beaning as well, and I think averaged then more like 20+. Haven't tried sirens call or sanafica because I doubt the drop rate increase would be worth the price. Remains to be seen, hopefully someone comments on here that they've used them and it was subpar or extremely good

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NRCL (#374987)

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Posted on
2025-01-28 01:32:00
Thankyou so much! This is my first year to properly grind!! Cant wait!

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Moom.v2 (G1- Incense
NRLC) (#344289)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2025-01-29 13:51:21
I love the "perhaps"
First February ever since my first. Thank you!!

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cinna (#174234)

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Posted on
2025-02-03 22:06:13
hi there!! i wanted to double check since ive been using the tracker (which is incredible btw!!) and only just now realized i may be using it wrong--do we put in how many HS we make per day? or our amount at the end of the day if that makes sense? sorry for the weird question, thank you so much for this guide!!

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2025-02-03 22:23:22
The tracker will calculate the amount you make per day on its own! In the "Rollover Amount" cells you'll put the number of heart shells that you have currently on each account at the beginning of your day.

To keep it simple, I would probably recommend inputting the amount on each account into their respective cells right when you wake up and roll over for the day c: Or you can grab the amount you have each Lioden midnight, whatever works for you! Timezone differences may make one option more appealing than the other, but as long as it's roughly the same each day it won't affect much besides the "amount gained" between different days.

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