Posted by RLC G2 TIGON Barked Heats 1.5.24

🐸 Jeepers
Creepers 🌈 (#100737)

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Posted on
2025-01-26 07:51:40
Hello! This year I am offering barked heats for my G2 RLC gon!
If you dont have the gb to pay for heats I have no gb fee barked heats here!

Price is 40gb will also take
4 buffies (10gb each) or 8 Yohimbe Barks (5gb each)

1. She will never leave my den
2. I wont use SODs or Cotton Root Bark on her
3. You will always get all of the cubs, you just need to have aging stones for them
4. Backing out is fine let me know, I dont bite :>
5. Changing opt Items used before breeding is also fine!
6. You will need 20 Yohimbe Barks no matter cooldown

Required Items for every heat:
1 Buffalo Scrotum
20 Yohimbe Barks no matter cooldown
black stallion OR 3 chasteberrys
Stud fee (if you aren't using one of mine)
Aging Stones for all cubs that you want to keep. So 0-4 stones
Nesting material

Highly suggested items not required:
***Crunchy Worm
Ochre Powder
Opal Saltlick
Rock Salt

I will PM everyone who applied as soon as the 3rd tier of the flirt shop is open and I am on. If you don't have the items ready this is fine but the due date is the 28th of feb, If you cant get the items please tell me ^^

Here's the gorl!

Quail <3



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