Posted by Lethal Censor?

kenz | project (#181066)

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Posted on
2025-01-29 13:07:54
I don't know if this already exists, or if this is even the right board to post on, but here's an idea.

We have marking censors, explore encounter censors, but as far as I'm aware, no censors on lethal mutations. I'm mostly making this on behalf of my boyfriend (bless his heart ) who literally just found out about lethals, and was not very happy.

Understandably, seeing little lion cubs with grotesque deformities who will die at an early age isn't everyone's cup of tea, and while the general populous may not be bothered by it, I bet some definitely are.

Now, how to censor any links that contain images/redirects to lethals can be simple. A pop-up that explains the content on the page, and a button of confirmation that you would like to proceed. Threads could have a toggle on whether they contain imagery of lethals or lethal mutations as well. This could also be toggleable in the account options tab so that those who don't mind lethals won't be bothered by the pop-up.

- Censorship in similar fashion to the Marking Censorship system

-Pop-up toggle in account settings like the ones for Pregnancy Visuals; off by default so you have to manually toggle the pop-ups/warning themselves instead of it being a bother

This suggestion has 28 supports and 12 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/01/25 @ 13:55:33 by kenz | g1 dawnnedi (#181066)

Bluebell [Revival
project] (#281374)

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Posted on
2025-01-29 13:37:32
No support on the bases on how many pop up, warnings etc, there would be for those not bothered by it. If it were similar to the marking censor (but for mutations) I'd be more on board.

Marking censor for reference

It won't account for forums but would deal with most of the problem.

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Edited on 29/01/25 @ 13:37:43 by Bluebell [Revival project] (#281374)

kenz | project (#181066)

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Posted on
2025-01-29 13:50:58
Yeah, I was thinking of that which is why I had the idea of a toggle in account settings for whether you'd like to receive the pop-ups or not, which would be off by default so that you'd have to actually enable the pop-up yourself instead of it being default!

I get where you're coming from though, but if someone isn't actively searching out content with lethal mutations, they wont run into many of these pop-ups. Again, maybe something similar to the marking censor would be better, gives people a chance to hide specific mutations and not all, say if they were only bothered by harlequin cubs and not something like lipo, I guess.

the only reason I suggested a pop-up instead is so that a player can still wish to view the mutation if desired. Censoring the mutation itself might lead some people to accidentally overlook any lethals they do have, on that rare occasion.

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Edited on 29/01/25 @ 13:52:32 by kenz | g1 dawnnedi (#181066)

Bluebell [Revival
project] (#281374)

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Posted on
2025-01-29 14:06:53
Somehow I missed it being toggled if by default , changed it to support. Thanks for clarifying!

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nn (#336298)

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Posted on
2025-02-01 20:43:09
I definitely support; i dont like seeing the Cyclopia; Harlequin Ichtyosis those two make me severely uncomfy to see

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colette 🩵 ; #1
fob fan (#433139)

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Posted on
2025-02-05 22:56:54
Support for pretty much the same reason as NovasTears; Harlequin and Cyclopia make me EXTREMELY uncomfortable.

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