She comes into heat in 20 days. Posted Feb. 3, 2025
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A split heat is 10 GB, a full heat is 20 GB
Just for those who don't know what a split heat or a full heat is, a split heat is where if she has 2 cubs you get one and I get one, a full heat is where you get all the cubs. Feel free to PM for more info
I also don't send her to you for traditional breeding, only because one time I sold a heat on a previous Leopon and they never gave her back and it was a LOT of work to get her back. BUT what I will do is I will set her heat price to the price we agree on. IF you use other items I'll set the heat price to the minimum price. Feel free to PM for more info.
The only items I accept are breeding items (Buffy, black stallion, etc.), applicators I DO NOT take event apps (The Jackal, etc.), I also take non event decor. Feel free to PM for more info.
Please DO NOT send over her stuff until she is in heat. I will send reminders every once in a while. I always send a reminder when she's 3 days from going into heat. I will also tell you when she is in heat. I do ask that you provide nesting stuff (feathers, large leaves, etc.) you can also send over items that will increase her chances of having muties, BUT if you provide cotton root bark I will charge you extra 5 GB. Feel free to PM for more info.
Required items
Full heat
-20 GB
- 20 yohmbie barks
- 1 IBF (Optional)
- 1 cotton root bark (Optional and will charge extra 5 GB per heat)
- Black stallion OR Buffy (You can also send both if you want)
- - Nesting items (Feathers, large leaves, etc.)