Posted by Looking for specific chaseds

Nephele [pearl
project] (#256381)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2025-02-05 07:48:06
Hi! i recently chased some project lions and so im making thread to buy them back, as well as to buy any other chased with the traits im looking for!
im buying chased lions with traits from the May 28th, 2021 RL,

Base: Pearl - (Clouded Skin)
Eyes: Sectoral Ice & Green
Mane: Royal
Mane Color: Cameo

Slot 1: Shell Underfelt
Slot 2: Feline 7 Dark Brown
Slot 3: Chocolate English Spots
Slot 4: Feline 1 Dark Brown
Slot 5: Feline 9 Dark Brown
Slot 6: Feline 6 Dark Brown
Slot 7: Cream Freckles 1
Slot 8: Almond Crackle
Slot 9: Shell Lace
Slot 10: Dark Brown Dorsal Line

- Pricing -

7-9 traits = 20-30gbs

10-12 traits = 35-40gbs

13-14 traits = 100-150gbs+

- extra add ons -

Pearl base = 50gbs+ - (rough estimate, will pay more)


If they are older than 11yrs or have been bred it may affect the price!

- Main forms of payment -
- Current event currency - HS - rate 6hs = 1gb
- GB
- Breeding items

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Edited on 05/02/25 @ 09:30:44 by Nephele [pearl project] (#256381)

Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2025-02-05 09:05:04
just a note to say that i've seen some of these chaseds for sale at 30+GB. I even purchased one ^^;

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Edited on 05/02/25 @ 09:05:36 by Fraekinn [Cons Cimm Ocey] (#57572)

Nephele [pearl
project] (#256381)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2025-02-05 09:06:02
ay! ok thank you for letting me know ^^
ill update the thread then

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