Posted by Early reservation G2 Jag splits!

Gremlynbeans (#485359)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2025-02-18 18:40:11
Meet Good Luck, Babe! She’s a G2 guardian based Jaglion I was lucky enough to get in a split heat! She’s still an adolescent, but since this month is the month of Yoh barks I decided to open some early reservation free barked splits!

You must provide:

20 yohimbe barks
1 Instant Birth Feather
Aging stones for any cubs you want to keep
(Optionally) a buffalo scrotum for highest chances of hybrid passes

Any other items are up to you! You may use a crb if you’d like, but you must provide an extra 3 yohimbe barks if you’d plan to use one. The only item banned outright are SoDs (Shadow of Death)


Do not expect a guaranteed jag! There is only a 5% natural pass rate per cub for non-G1 hybrids, if you don’t get a jag from your heat, my apologies, but it is not unlikely for a litter with no jag to occur.

You may stud to any king you’d like, but you must provide the studding fee! I will not be spending my own sb/gb on studs for splits

If you don’t provide an aging stone for any cubs you want to keep within 24 hours of the birth I will keep them, or chase them if I don’t want them

If you’re not ready when she is, don’t worry about it! You can wait as long as you’d like, your reservation will not be deleted. Just dm me when you’re ready!

Full heats are currently NOT available!

Pickings are you, me, you. As in you get first dibs on your favorite cub of the litter, then I pick, then you pick again if you’d like any of the others. So if there are two hybrids born, you will keep one and I will keep the other.

How to reserve: simply reply to this thread! I will notify everyone with reservations once she’s available

Her link:


Any questions or concerns? Feel free to ask below!

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