Posted by Fleas/ticks!

noodle (#503607)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:00:08
Had a cool idea earlier today. (at least in my opinion) was thinking:what if something would happen to your unsorted lions? So that's where my idea comes in! What if your unsorted lions had a chance of getting fleas or ticks which can lead to them getting fur loss like with mange if not taken care of in time. And you might be thinking,"well how would I fix this?" There would be a plant of something (idk) in monkey business that can get rid of it. You also might think, "well why would the lion get fleas/ticks?" Well when I think of the unsorted lions I think that they just straight up aren't allowed in the caves like kovu in lion king 2

edit: Okay,based on points people have had I understand it a bit,instead I have a bit of a change to the idea,thinking that is could just be an April fools thing and instead of curing it or ticks/fleas appearing it would say above your lion/cub "your lion has unexpectedly caught fleas! Their mass itching had caused them to bald!" And it would show your lion/ cub looking shocked as they start balding

This suggestion has 12 supports and 20 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/02/25 @ 13:28:29 by noodle (#503607)

[G2,Nefer,DR] (#398462)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:01:53
This is funny but realistic, yes

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[G2,Nefer,DR] (#398462)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:02:59
God imagine a balding lioness

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Roach[COD Camo
grinder :(] (#249703)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:03:07
Hell yeah, why not. It might add some use to the random items that you get but canโ€™t do anything with

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Oleander (#282348)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:29:23
One of the reasons why I like Lioden and not wolvden is the lack of medical ailments that cause you to sink more money and time into curing, I use the unsorted tab as a sort of catchall for a lot of my lionesses, otherwise I'll forget they're there sometimes. Having to sink more money into the care and maintenance of them would be draining and force me to move them all and probably miss a lot of their heats and such, the lions I have in tabs are usually there for organization and if I had to toss my potato mass bred ncls in with them or sacrifice more GB or one of my dens already being used for another purpose would suck

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leon (#208511)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:36:46
While I agree with Oleander, I also do think this idea is pretty funny. Maybe there could be references to it without any in-game consequencesโ€”flavor text, maybe? But no balding or needing to cure it.

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Oleander (#282348)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:37:33
I think a decor being equipped to them or a flavor text might work, but a full on medical ailments would be out of place and incredibly inconvenient

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Oleander (#282348)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:43:40
We already have a tick decor so if anything perhaps having a random small chance for a lion in unsorted to get them equipped to them with 0 uses left so it's deleted when removed might work, but some people (me included) are freaked out or downright scared of ticks and wouldn't much want to find out their lion suddenly has ticks

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(she/her) (#41009)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:44:48
No support, for reasons Oleander mentioned. I also have a very big fear(?)/disgust of parasites, especially ticks. The decor that we have from the mud pit make me queasy, I don't want it to be a feature that can just.. happen.

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Oleander (#282348)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:46:37
Yeah I hate the mud pit because I know I'll have to look at ticks and they cause me to have full blown panic attacks, I'm incredibly paranoid about tall grass or plants irl and I don't want to have to have panic attacks in my room where I'm supposed to be safe from ticks

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(she/her) (#41009)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:47:56
Oh man I feel that. I've had an actual tick on me before which caused me to have a very bad panic attack :')

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Oleander (#282348)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 01:49:09
I've had a couple, as an avid gardener it happens from time to time and I scream and have panic attacks and shut down after finding them, I check myself like crazy if I'm ever in or near tall grass

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Cherie :angel: (#511399)

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Posted on
2025-02-22 13:30:50
no support bc i HATE ticks
edit: i kinda support the april fools thing

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Edited on 22/02/25 @ 13:32:44 by Cherie :angel: (#511399)

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