Posted by LF a Rare RLC/Unique Hybrid

𝒱.𝑀. (#486067)

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Posted on
2025-03-05 14:46:38

What I’m Looking For

My Main Interests Are…
Rare RLCs (<10-12 clones)
Newer Lines Should be Semi-Privated
Unique Hybrids (Rosetted, nRLC/Heavy BO, Etc)
All Lions Must be Young (3yrs or less), Clean, and preferably G4 or under
I don’t have any preferred lines for RLCs, but I will be a bit picky with them.
I will not be considering or looking at any leopons.
All 45/50 Balls will go to ONE Person, in a singular trade. I will not be splitting.

What Am I Offering?

45 Buffies (at 20GB Each)
Up to 150GB Pure With a Reservation for the Weekend

Willing to Add Another 5 Buffies IF the Lion/s Come Decorated/With Decor

Why Am I Pricing Buffies Like This?

20GB is a very consistent number for Buffies. It is the highest they’re going for right now, and the lowest they’ll go for (especially for a quick sale) in around a month. That being said, they do sell for around 25GB average outside of the weird February/August cool down periods, but 20 is a more consistent number. That, and I’m trading them in bulk, so I don’t think it’s necessarily an unfair number.

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Edited on 05/03/25 @ 17:37:23 by [REDACTED] — 𝒱.𝑀. (#486067)

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