Posted by Mentoring Our Young 50+ supporters!

Kelsaur l G3 Frail
Leonid (#2762)

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Posted on
2014-03-21 00:57:48
I know during the event, we came across abandoned or orphaned animals, including a lion cub losing his/her mom. So I came up with an idea that could spark. teaching our cubs to hunt and track, etc. In reality, cubs aren't just lounging around and playing with each other or tussling, the mothers and/or king are obliging to their survival and helping them earn and attempt to hunt. To cope with them, there could be a drop down option, or in on the menu of other locations, a field or grassy area could be shown with a cub lesson and you get to choose how many cubs can participate and either their mother or have an adolescent involved as well and with either a mother that isn't on cool down or the king, perhaps.

Simply at a certain month age, we can unlock a part of "interaction" and it could be of a dices roll. That mother of the cub can teach him/her how to hunt lizards, track down animals and etc and earn that skill point for a reason.

This may sound a bit too much, but honestly there should be more of an interaction I my opinion anyways and especially for cubs and adolescents. Adolescents can perform the same variety when it comes to lessons and whatnot. These could also help their "smarts" when it comes to them successfully tracking down a lizard or other small creatures like mice or gerbil.

This could also include an energy boost or loss by cubs that capture something successfully or fail to. Cubs aren't meant to be just for play or tussle, but the mothers need to help them on how to hunt and earn smarts or skills. This could even effect their other stats, from agility or speed.

What do you all think? Tell me if you support or oppose and give reasons if there should be more added if I missed something ^^

This suggestion has 60 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/06/15 by Smudged [Bring The Floods!] (#2762)

Captain Orca (#6199)

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Posted on
2014-03-27 05:02:02
I support. In real life prides, cubs don't just sit around and do nothing. They are interacting with each other or their mother and aunt's are teaching them how to hunt. Especially adolescents.

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Kelsaur l G3 Frail
Leonid (#2762)

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Posted on
2014-03-27 05:27:11
Thank you <3 I do agree on that and I do have something pictured in my mind of how this would really help out and be the next step for our prides ^^

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Uzurii (#22424)

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Posted on
2014-03-27 05:40:24

Perhaps it could be like the submale Patrol feature, in that you designate one lioness (or yourself, at the cost of energy; or an extra submale/submale who gains a patrol cooldown) to train a cub/a set number of cubs. The number of cubs could increase the cooldown on your lioness/submale, or increase the energy cost per cub. Or it could be up to 5 cubs, like the Hunting feature.

I personally like the idea of using a lioness to do it, and that lioness would have a cooldown before she could be used for training again, or used in hunting. And each cub would have a cooldown as well.

Maybe there could be a chance of gaining items, like with the Patrol feature, but obviously a cub isn't going to get a carcass... Maybe the smaller ones for adolescents, but I think the cubs should be limited to easy things like bones and feathers.

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Kelsaur l G3 Frail
Leonid (#2762)

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Posted on
2014-03-27 23:40:17
That's exactly what I thought of as well! ^-^ And thanks for more of an input on how it could work out c: If this feature is ever added I'll be more than happy to see how this works out. It's a plus and it's what we need.

As for gaining items I also agree on that too, since cubs can bring home a gerbil or field mouse or even a feather from an attempted pounce and yet misses but earns a feather along the way.

I'm also thinking we could show the cubs ourselves. Our male lion can also teach the cub if that mother/lioness is on a cooldown.

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rus Queen) (#28485)

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Posted on
2014-03-28 00:07:44
How clever! I am totally for it, the realer the better!

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Kelsaur l G3 Frail
Leonid (#2762)

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Posted on
2014-03-28 00:40:57
Thank you for the support <3

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Ares (#20765)

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Posted on
2014-03-28 00:49:57
I support.

I don't know if someone has brought this up or not (too early in the morning for me to go through and read all the comments) but we don't really have much to do once we run down all of our energy. As we wait for it to refill, we can send our lionesses on a hunt (takes five seconds), send our sub out to patrol (again, takes five seconds), take a quest, scratch for stats, and play the cup game. I know I have spent wayyyy more SB than I intend to simply because of wasting time browsing through trades. This option would give us something to do that could actually further benefit us.

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Kelsaur l G3 Frail
Leonid (#2762)

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Posted on
2014-03-28 00:55:02
Thank you!! Yes that would give us great beneficial help and support for our prides and cubs.
Thanks for commenting and supporting <3

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-03-29 06:36:04
Just to make it easier, I do think that this should only be available for adols. Easier time implementing I guess. Cubs already can gain skill by you playing with them. guess that is their training.

Adols on the other hand indeed can do more serious stuff, like hunting little critters and learning the art of hunting.

Just an easier separation of life stages.

But the idea is good.

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Uzurii (#22424)

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Posted on
2014-03-29 12:39:59
That's a good point, Axel. Plus in real life, the adolescent stage is where the training really ramps up; adolescents will go on hunts with the lionesses, or little hunts with their mother or aunts.

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Thana {Main} (#63741)

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Posted on
2015-06-28 02:14:13

I think this is a really good idea.

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