Posted by Small beetle breeding game
NoVeck (#516)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2012-11-02 23:50:35
While looking through the game development board, I read Derpy Wolf's topic and Knoka's post gave me an idea. Derpy Wolf suggested, among other things, to add a bank with interest. Knoka said a stash would be good but only live beetles would be able to produce interest.

That got me thinking (and scribbling), what if there was a small way we could get more beetles by breeding them. My idea is that everyone has the possibility of getting 100 silver beetles every six days in a little beetle breeding game.

The story is that your lion, tired from all of his exploring, finds or makes a small hole under a rock. He let's two beetles go to breed but they escape and leave 100 eggs behind.

The game is that your lion has to care for the eggs in order to get the adult beetles that hatch. The beetles would go through five phases (egg, small/medium/large grub, and pupa) allowing your lion to interact with them twice every day/phase. Kind of like sharpening your claws but with beetles.

To make it more interesting, instead of getting the full 100 beetles on the sixth day, you would only get 50 (if you took care of them for all five days, if not then -10 for every day you did not to account for those that died) and you would have to pounce to catch the remaining escapees. You would get the option to pounce left, front, or right of you with the possibility of getting 10, 5, or no beetles. You could do that five times and whatever you get is added to the first amount and the grand total is the number of beetles you would win.

It is a small game that anyone could play and have an equal shot at getting some extra beetles. It could help those who are broke and it won't give a big advantage to the rich. It's not really realistic but it might be fun.

This suggestion has 25 supports and 0 NO supports.

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VeeVee (#390)

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Posted on
2012-11-03 00:01:31
That sounds like a fun little mini-game for sure and I would love to play it :3 But playing it for SB is what makes me a little iffy about it :/ Getting 100 SB a week seems a little much for right now especially with how much SBs are worth right now which is....almost nothing. I'm doing well in hunting so I don't need to buy carcasses, I can't buy territory, can't send them to anyone...Maybe this would be useful for the further future but not right now. Then again, it would take a while to make a game like that so...who knows? :3 Maybe by then, if they decide to implement this, that SB will be worth a lot more and there would be more stuff to buy and this would come in handy ^^

But for right now- No support

For the future- Sure :3

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Tyyni2 (#172)

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Posted on
2012-11-03 06:45:27
Support! Only because I have issues coming across much SB at the moment. Otherwise this could be very useful in the future.

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Chalkie014 (#1089)

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Posted on
2012-11-05 10:12:51

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Dumerili (#125)

Wonder On Four Paws
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Posted on
2012-11-05 11:10:02
I would love this, that's such a creative idea! :D
But I'm with VeeVee, SB isn't worth much and I doubt this game will make it worth more. I think that we need a trade system first so we can send SB to other players. Once that's put in place people can start buying things from other players and SB will gain value. Once a trade system is implemented I think I would support this but for now no support.

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