Posted by Energy- I know, I know

Sabby (#1538)

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Posted on
2012-11-22 01:59:21
I know, I know- there are probably people talking about how slow it is all the time. I also know its already been made faster,but it takes so long to restore energy (which you need to do just about anything exciting in the game) that I find myself slowly losing patience and interest.

Perhaps admins would consider allowing energy replenishment purchasable in some way? Whether it takes Gold Beetles or Silver Beetles would be up to you guys, but I'm honestly willing to pay because I'm getting so frustrated waiting.

Anybody else agree?

This suggestion has 673 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Jenny (#1529)

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Posted on
2012-11-22 02:10:32
I totally Agree. We have to wait 15 minutes to just explore, and when you run into an animal that wants to battle you on your first explore, you lose it all.

I think you guys should put like + Things on the items such as:

Zebra Carcass - +30 Hunger +20 Energy +7 uses
Warthog Carcass - +20 Hunger +15 Energy +1 uses

and stuff like that. This will make it so we can use our found carcasses for energy when we run out

Thanks ~Jenny

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XxKarlyxX (#153)

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Posted on
2012-11-22 07:01:44
I'm pretty sure something like this is already being planned. If something is added though it needs a daily usage limit

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Charon (#1306)

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Posted on
2012-11-22 07:39:55

Waiting is okay but if you only have x minutes for a battling quest left buying energy or getting energy from eating would be great!

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KaixenLives (#1317)

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Posted on
2012-11-23 15:43:47
Support, It is hard to keep a lot of interest when you wait 2.5 hours for a full bar.

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Indelible_Vestige (#1534)

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Posted on
2012-11-23 19:16:21
Support. It can be very frustrating waiting for your energy bar to refill. If you could get at least a little bit of energy from carcasses, then that would help out a lot. Maybe, the large carcasses like the elephant carcass could give your male lion more energy than a warthog carcass would? Like the larger the carcass, the more energy your lion gains? It's just a thought.

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Bayleaf998 (#28832)

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Posted on
2014-11-19 04:22:21
please lt there be something done its driving me crazy!!!!!! I can only put up with staring at my screen for so long. the carcass idea is pretty good to :)

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Drongo (#37683)

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Posted on
2014-11-19 04:24:24
Frostbite, they have this.

Bone Marrow in the monkey shop, which you can use once a day.

Energy Root for 2 GB in the Oasis, which you can use as much as you want.

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Sweeft (#26885)

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Posted on
2014-11-19 04:24:29
@Frostbite, this thread is over 2 year old x3 You can now purchase an item fro the oasis to replenish your energy ^^

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2015-09-09 01:41:58
Indeed. Maybe males can also eat carcasses and from eatch one they get 5 to 10% energy?

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2015-09-09 01:45:06
This thread is over 3 years old and we have energy boosts, meat pies, bone marrow, and now red bulls to do this.

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2015-09-09 04:56:44
Lammer@ That is right Lammer. But a lot of these things cost pritty mutch.

If this is a other possible way.... I have lots of food. So if every caracass has around 60% change of becomming energy for my lion. I am willing to do that!

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Kiara (#148371)

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Posted on
2018-06-10 09:27:42
I totally agree...
I'm here from yesterday and if we always have to wait so long, I will leave ;-;

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Fading Angel (G2 2k)
[Frozen] (#81854)

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Posted on
2018-06-10 09:37:02
Kiara this is old ^~^
We can purchase energy items from monkey business and oasis, events have red bull and roasted lamb which replinshes energy faster for 8 hours.
We can also find grubs (10%) in explore with the grab grub encounter (I think thats how those are got anyways?) And they give 10% energy

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