-LOCKED - Trade Bugs Fixed(?)
Posted on 2013-03-27 21:30:38
We have done some extensive testing of the trading center, and we hope that all bugs have now been fixed.

As a measure to prevent anything happening with previous trades, I have reduced all GB and SB amounts in open trades and offers to 0. Please cancel your trades with SB or GB amounts, and start over. I have also deleted any trades which were empty as a result of having the GB and SB removed from the offer.

- The ability to remove your offers from the trade is available.
- "Transfers" are now an additional extra to Trading Center, and is accessible by clicking the top right link in the TC.

Additionally, we have a couple of small updates we'd like to announce:
- Decoration and Background prices from Monkey Business have been raised
- You can no longer buy non-decorative items from Monkey Business, in the hopes that we can stimulate player trades
- We have updated the Terms of Service to clarify that accounts should NOT be sold, whether that's for real life currency, other game currency, or LD currency.

If you notice any more bugs with trading, please contact me immediately. Thank you.

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