-LOCKED - Lioness Bug
Posted on 2013-04-03 23:20:48
Hey guys

We're having some trouble understanding the origins of two bugs. If you could help us out as much as possible if you have experienced the bug, please comment on this news post.

1. Lionesses cannot be interacted with.
What did you do before you noticed this? Did you claim her as a new lioness? Did she get transferred to you? Have you had her for a while and just suddenly can't interact?

2. Unable to chase off lionesses because she's "in a trade" when in fact she isn't.
Did you have her up for trade at any point, and cancelled? If so, did you have anything else in the trade, or any offers? Did you buy her in a trade?

3. Unable to send lionesses hunting.
Are you also unable to interact with this lioness?

Before answering these questions, please make sure that the lionesses aren't up for trade, or pregnant, or anything else which may cause these "bugs" to occur anyway. You can't chase off a lioness while she's actually in a trade, for example.

Thanks guys, we'll try to get this fixed asap.

Note: Please be as detailed as you can be about these bugs, and also please don't comment if you're not affected by any of these bugs. It's difficult enough wading through relevant posts.

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