-LOCKED - News News Newwwws!
Posted on 2013-06-04 07:57:36
Hey guys,

We've got a few updates for you today. We hope you enjoy :)

- Instead of having "Previous" and "Next" links to navigate through your pride, you now have a dropdown menu which lists lionesses and cubs as they appear on your territory page. This is accessed at the top of each lioness/cub's page.

- Patrolling with your subordinate males is now available - you can send one off for fifteen minutes every hour, and he'll maybe find some items along the way ;) (or even improve his stats!)

- You can now open a "Branch" where you can put items for sale for other members to purchase from you. This is individual item sales to make the trading center less cluttered with single items. You can also search for items for sale using the search under Explore!

- - To open your Branch, visit your Branch page which is now linked on your Den. (This will eventually be moved onto the main navigation but for now it's on your Den.)

- We have also added in new manes! You now have Heavy, Transvaal and Barbary manes to choose from when customizing your lion. These manes have a 40% chance of being passed on, regardless of if the mother/father or both have the gene. Should the mane not get passed on, cubs will be born with normal manes instead. In addition to this, we've added in a mane changer - so you can choose which mane you want without having to completely re-customize! You can also change the mane of your subordinate males using this item.

- We’re adding a new, very rare base, called Maltese. This one is rare and thus only found in the custom tool, but has normal pass rates along with its own hidden genes.

- You can now see when you’ve purchased Gold Beetles through PayPal at the bottom of your Gold Beetle Spending page.

We’ve also been working on minor bugs over the course of the last week or two.

Over the next couple of weeks we have a few interesting items coming your way, as well as a few surprises! ;)

Please don’t forget to check out the ToS update about chatrooms!

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