-LOCKED - Custom Decor Creation!
Posted on 2014-01-10 10:06:26
Whats uppppp!!!

This is a pretty awesome release that Kitty worked hard on for like a week nonstop omg it's so awesome!

Custom Decor Creation

This is a new item that you can buy for GB - and use it to create your own decorations for lions, and sell them to other players! :O it's 1 use only to create 1 decoration. It will have 10 uses.

While uploading, you'll see the rules, which you should get familiar with - and the decor will wait for staff approval! If it's approved - you'll receive 3 copies and will be able to purchase more for 3 GB each. If it's rejected - we'll usually give a reason, and you'll receive your Custom Creation item back.

note: you can choose to upload files for specific age, for specific manes, or universal - above, and below the lions, just like our official decorations! You can choose to skip some if you want the decor to be female only, for example. You can always update your item with new files for when we release new manes etc!

In the Branch Sales page you can access all the info you need when looking for custom decors - from the specific information like "this item is for females only" up to previewing them and also managing your decors!

We hope you'll have a lot of fun with that and create a lot of awesome decors you always dreamt about!

"In the interest of stimulating some initial custom decors, we are holding a small raffle for artists of Lioden to win a Custom Decor Creation! We have 10 to give away, so please PM me if you are an artist and would like to be entered into the raffle! Artists only please as we would like people who could make use of the item. We'll pull the raffle tomorrow night!"

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Congratulations as well for unlocking Tier 3 of the Great Hunger event! You guys are insane :O Both you and staff have a great time with those! You saved all the starving lions!

In addition to the unlocked area effect, we enabled a Great Hunger Background in Monkey Shop for you to buy! It will be out of stock when event ends, with start of February. Get it while you can!

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We also picked and messaged new moderators and they will join our ranks this weekend after initial training! Forms are closed now and thank you for applying :D

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Our next week update will focus mainly on gameplay features, so stay excited!

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The last lion to impress a female here was Barasa II (#78)!

New fancy lady is ready to be admired:

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