Posted by Random Coats When Breeding Lions?!

SuperWhoLockian (#31863)

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Posted on
2014-05-17 09:28:14
I love LioDen and all, but I think it isn't very fair to those of us who spend hundreds of SB to breed two seemingly perfect lions in attempt to get the perfect cub, only to get a common color, such as cream or gold. This very thing has happened to myself, when I spent almost all of my SB breeding two lions, and ended up with a brown cub.. I don't understand why the traits of the mother and father aren't passed down to the cubs! I know it would take a whole lot of work to redo the whole breeding process, but really? I came onto LioDen so I could breed good looking lions in a logical manner, not so I could breed two fierys and get a golden 5 cub. I really wanted to breed cubs for looks, but now it's really just for stats, but due to some changes in the game, it's hard to do even that now!

This suggestion has 123 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/06/14 by Random SuperWhoLockian (#31863)

(hiatus) (#24181)

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Posted on
2014-05-17 09:33:12
Its not just the onyx lions, its practically all lions. Its just not in an abundance or as "bad" as Onyx. But I do see your point. Its the exact reason why I no longer wanted my last onyx king to breed to any onyx lioness, or vice versa. I must have breed my two onyxes 5 times, never got an onyx from either litter.

Perhaps if each litter of cubs were more like their parents, as in the base color. If you breed two different specials, for example, the cubs would have a 90% chance to NOT have a special coat. As for ncl or custom bases, i think there should be more of a chance to have either parent's coat rather than some random ncl crap. Get what I'm saying?

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SuperWhoLockian (#31863)

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Posted on
2014-05-17 09:39:29
I totally agree, I wouldn't mind a small chance of getting a non-onyx coat, but seriously, it's almost impossible to get an onyx cub!

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-05-17 09:58:43
Yes. Yes on so many levels XD


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Rue ( C.T. ) (#33748)

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Posted on
2014-05-17 11:47:00
It's kind of annoying when you breed an onyx and a maltese and get a golden, not amused. u_u

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rus Queen) (#28485)

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Posted on
2014-05-17 13:56:48
Thank God someone finally agrees! All of us who dedicate our time to Onyx know how frustrating it is! When I breed two prunes together, I always get a prune cub. Not so with Onyx! Support times a million!

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Ares (#20765)

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Posted on
2014-05-17 13:57:49
Support so very much. u.u

I spent 4 GB on an onyx stud, with moderate stats, and red eyes to an onyx girl with hetero eyes, thinking any of the three colors would look great with the onyx base. What do I get? A litter of four cubs (yay!): three of which were dark creams with brown eyes and one cub with a maltese base and black eyes. -_-

I've gotten two onyx girls but neither were from a double onyx breeding, if I am remembering accurately.

Yep, my red-eyed onyx girl is from a Maroon x Onyx breeding and my pink-eyed onyx girl is from a Maroon x Onyx breeding. Oddly enough, same Maroon girl each time. Huh.

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Edited on 17/05/14 by Ares {MMF;LAWS;CF;PALS;Dark} (#20765)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-05-17 21:38:20
It is not random for no reason.

Onyx is supposed to be hard to breed for and so sell without customizing a new lion to Onyx and selling that instead.

I know it can be annoying, but it has this reason. To urge people to pay GB instead of breeding it and mass-selling them. It is to make sure that there are no Onyx factories.

I understand the reason, so I dont support.

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 00:31:33

>>Maltese and Albino are also custom only type bases.

Though the amount of maltese and albino bases I receive from a double onyx breeding is as though I bred with albinos or maltese lions.

Now, I do understand that these bases have been out for some time, so they have had plenty of time to circulate thoroughly throughout lioden. Perhaps (and most likely it will) in the future the onyx base will do the same.

I am supporting if there was a subtle increase in the chance to get offspring to have the same base as parents (or something very close to it).

>>By subtle increase I mean just that; A subtle increase in percentage of offspring getting the base coat of parents. Nothing ridiculous, I still enjoy the challenge of getting onyx. So probably like an added 1-3% to the chances you already have now. Nothing more than that. Or it would be too easy.

>>And by "something very close to it" I mean coat colors that are actually in the range of onyx.. not constantly getting something at the opposite of the onyx spectrum.

For example, breeding 2 onyx lions can have the result of getting:

Dark brown

^These would be on the darker side of the "spectrum" And the darker specials would be the rarest outcome of this side of the onyx spectrum.

On the lighter side, perhaps those that would appear rarely but not as rarely as the special bases would be:

Dove Gray

Then there would be the onyx base itself which would have a small increase ( the 1-3% added to already existing possibility of receiving an onyx base) of chance of it appearing in the offspring.

>>That being said, I do not know the actual percentages so, of course, this would have to be fixed accordingly to the actual percentages.

Again, I simply support a small, subtle increase with more realistic base coloring to appear within the cubs. I still enjoy the challenge, and it still brings me excitement when I get onyx cubs in a litter :) I'd like to keep that. This idea simply helps make the cub base outcome not so random.

>>This could be implemented for all coat colors, not just onyx. It might bring a little peace to those who are really into Genetics, but it would still be challenging and would still provide a variety of coat colors in a litter. Not constantly having the correct coat color, because that would be too easy and would diminish the value of onyx base coats.

Dunno. Just a thought. We still don't know if this concept of more realistic genetic outcomes will be added to lioden.

If so, here's my two cents ^^'

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Edited on 18/05/14 by .::VulpesFelis:BBro:OC::.. (#17507)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 05:12:45
Oh, no no. I meant that perhaps the developers would like to make Onyx a little more rare than any other coats and harder to breed for. Hence why it produces more random than anything else. I simply expressed my view that perhaps the high randomness at breeding Onyx to Onyx is not a coincidence, but a planned and implemented trait. But then again, only the staff can tell us that.

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 05:27:59
Hmm. I want onyx to be rare to extent. Because I do want my lions to be worth something.

But you are right about the staff being the ones to tell about the rarity.

I would actually be sad if it began to appear much more frequently.Which is why I wouldnt want the % of onyx based appearances to be raised too highly.

I think it would be cool to implement the more realistic type outcomes though.

That way the base colors would actually make sense.

In which, because of onyx rarity (if the staff are wanting to keep as such) I would then produce, dark brown, brown, black, to gray cubs more often than completely randomized cubs~

Maybe this might help keep special based coats more special too?

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AzurePegasus (#30305)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 06:30:46
Support. I bred my triple vit onyx lady to an awesome onyx triple vit stud, and what do I get? 1 fawn triple vit, 1 cream triple vit, and only 1 onyx, even if she, too, was triple vit. It angered me so much >:U

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Alma (#7695)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 07:21:39
Support. This is exactly why I proposed my genetics model! I'm happy when outcomes make sense - there's just more satisfaction in a plan that comes to fruition.

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Alabai (#28971)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 07:28:16
Actually, staff explained that there isn't a strong 'genetics' code built into the game yet. It is largely based on a hierarchy of colors. Maltese is closer to Onyx, and so are the Goldens. No, it makes no sense, but until/unless they implement an actual genetic component to breeding, there is no way to just 'fix' that onyx+onyx doesn't always mean +onyx...

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 07:32:20
We understand rot :)

That's why we're suggesting different ideas for when/ if they build in a better suited or "fixed" genetic code for lioden.

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Felicat (#24395)

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Posted on
2014-05-19 16:43:29
Honestly, I think there needs to be better genetics of colors and markings in general. Having it be so random makes no sense. Of course some coat colors should be harder to obtain if the parents are different colors-say onyx and cream. The cubs will likely be cream, and that's fine. But if BOTH parents are the same base, then most if not all cubs should have that base. EDIT: Actually, more like what VulpesFelis said. That makes even more sense.

Also, it would be great if markings could go to a different slot on cubs if the parents have a different marking in the same slot. Such as when I bred my onyx paws to my onyx mask. The cubs only got one marking, because they were both in slot 1. I had no idea this was going to happen, since I thought the markings would just take up different slots on the cubs. This needs to be the case.

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Edited on 19/05/14 by Felicat-accepting challenges! (#24395)

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