Posted by Different Lion body types

Skulleh[LDC][LL] (#23147)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-05-23 19:01:19
Tired of seeing the exact same lion other than mane, color, and markings?

Want some variety?

Well, I now propose to you the idea of different lion body types. We have the 'normal' body type which all characters now are using, but what about another type? What about a body type with an outlander-ish look, like the lion in Xylax's picture, that Scar-like lion?

Or just any lion body type that looks good like the lions you see in Explore.

Maybe we could also have poses to set your characters in instead of having every lion in the same exact pose.. maybe have them facing forward, roaring, sitting, or laying down.

I think it'd add a bit more diversity when it comes to looks and would look pretty nice.

And cubs could also have different body types with set body type paths to grow up into. Like, and outlander-ish body type cub would look more Kovu-ish or Vitani-ish. (NOT saying make them look exactly like them, hell no)
And the males could have elbow tufts and already have a fluffy tail tip.

This idea is still a WIP and more suggestions may be added.

This suggestion has 45 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Juminakata (River) (#6903)

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Posted on
2014-05-23 19:08:24
This would be a whole lot of extra work for the staff, but it would also be amazing...

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Alabai (#28971)

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Posted on
2014-05-23 19:37:16
I /think/ I recall hearing them talk about doing this in the future. Re-doing poses either for more 'growing up' phases or for more variety. I honestly can't say if it was a casual 'we should do this' or a 'this is what we're working on' but it was kinda exciting. :) It would of course, be GREAT, and could be done over time-

Could start by allowing us to flip the pic, right to left (but remember, Decors...? yeah, that is where the real work would be. ugh... a new decor for each pose- flipping would be easy, but new poses... not so much!) maybe move later to several SUBTLE differences, where the line art has them yawning/roaring, smiling a bit, snarling a bit- where Decor wouldn't change, because the main points stay in place?

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Skulleh[LDC][LL] (#23147)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-05-23 19:41:58
I don't really think decor would be /too/ much of a problem. I'm just saying two or three different body types, not 100. XD

Plus for most decors like feathers, it'd just take a small bit of re-positioning, not a redraw. But helmets may need to be refitted, but that's not really a lot when you think about it.

Also; they don't even need to release all body types at once; It could be one at a time.

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