Posted by Mossclan(A Warriors RP/Accepting!)
Caesarean (#24295)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 11:25:09
Yes, this is another one. Here is your starting point:
You are tired and hungry, but watch the silver cat warily. He pads away a bit, then glances back at you, eyes full of wisdom. Feeling yourself awed by the dark forest and this powerful cat, he speaks, catching you off guard "This is Mossclan's home." He gestured with a paw towards the foreboding and dark forest. "They can see you, even though you can't see them." He says as a pair of eyes flash in a tree. "ah, that would be my apprentice, Amberpaw." He nodded, a final gesture, and, despite his moon colored coat, melted away into the shadows.

1. NO godmodding. At all.
2. please be kind.
3. Dont curse, warrior curses such as "Mouse brain" or "Fox dung!" are ok though.
4.Please put if you are a kitty pet, a loner/rogue, or a cat from Mossclan in Other.

The form:

My form:
Name: Silverstar
Rank: Leader
Age: 23 moons
Gender: Tom
Looks: he is a silver cat, and is rather large for a cat. He is a tabby, and the stripes are a darker shade of grey black. He has slitted green eyes that judge swiftly and justly. He has a large feathery tail, with a white tip at the end.
Personality: He is willing to accept other cats into the clan, is polite and courteous, but also shrewd and vicious to enemies, and will not hesitate at a chance to take an emery down.
Other: Mossclan.

Leader: SilverStar (PLayed by me)
Deputy:Featherstonw(Played by Maiara
Warrior(s): Lilypetal(Played by Sunstar) Jadefeather, Willowfang(Played by Jade/C.O.F/) Shadowclaw(Played by Lionmaster)
Medicine cat: Silvermoon(Played y savana Ruler)
Med. cat app:
Apprentices:Darkpaw(Mentor: Featherstone, played by Lionmaster)

Character Sheets

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Edited on 03/06/14 by Chip/MN/CT/ (#24295)

Big Nasty [G2
Clouded 6x Dawn] (#30780)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 12:52:46
The form:
Name: Featherstone
Rank: Warrior - Promoted to Deputy.
Age: 20 moons
Gender: She-cat
Looks: Featherstone
Personality: Featherstone is much of a cautious she-cat who loves the language of nature. The sounds, the voices, the spiritual moves and spirits. She also has mixed feelings for Silverstar.
Other: Hiss~ MossClan.

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Edited on 06/06/14 by Maiara~T.BVB.A~L.A.W.S~ (#30780)

Caesarean (#24295)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2014-06-01 13:28:19
(Oh, whoops, forgot to add in Darkfade and Amberpaw. Im just going to delete Darkfade so Featherstone will have a chance at being Silverstar's mate. xD accepted, obviously.)

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Big Nasty [G2
Clouded 6x Dawn] (#30780)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 13:39:01
DERP. Mkay xD))

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Aael (#30597)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 13:39:04
Name: Lilypetal
Rank: Warrior
Age: 21 moons
Gender: She-cat
Looks: A blue tabby cat with a nicked ear and some scratches on her right shoulder. She has forest green eyes that sparkle in the sun and her paws are white.
Personality: Lilypetal has always been an outgoing cat who is always ready to run and play. She loves kits and wants some of her own someday. She is kind, but deadly. If you attack her, her usual smirk will change into a deadly mouth that will rip you to shreds. She has never really liked a cat before and she only sees Silverstar as a friend.
Other: Mossclan

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Caesarean (#24295)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 13:54:33
Accepted. Ima gonna make a rank chart now, to keep track.

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2014-06-02 03:20:41

The form:
Name: JadeFeather
Rank: Warrior
Age: 20 moons
Gender: she-cat
Personality: Jadefeather is a sweet loving cat that will do anything to protect her clan. she loves kits and wants some of her own. she is loyal and strong and will rip a cat to shreds
Other: Mossclan

The form:
Name: WillowFang
Rank: Warrior
Age: 19 moons
Gender: tom
Personality: WillowFang is a protective little brother to Jadefeather. he is kind and loves hunting. he is strong and will fight to protect his clan
Other: MossClan

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Ruler|Glacial Smilus (#33347)

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Posted on
2014-06-02 04:15:29
Name: Silvermoon
Rank: Meidance cat (do you read warriors? All the clans have medicen cats.... if this clan does not i will be a warrior)
Age: 16 moons
Gender: she-cat
Looks: a white/sliver she cat with blue eyes
Personality: quiet, laid back
Other: Mossclan

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Caesarean (#24295)

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Posted on
2014-06-02 09:45:45
SavanaRuler~ Im so stupid,i forgot Queens, apprentcices, Med app Med cat, and kits! you are accepted both.

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Caesarean (#24295)

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Posted on
2014-06-02 09:46:04
SavanaRuler~ Im so stupid,i forgot Queens, apprentcices, Med app Med cat, and kits! you are accepted both.

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winter010 (#35540)

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Posted on
2014-06-02 10:03:58
The form:
Age:14 moons
Looks:black with grey stripes and her front paws are white with blue eyes
Personality:sweet understanding tough and caring
Other:her brother is stormcloud

Age:14 moons
Looks:grey with white paws and tail tip he has a scar over his right eye
Personality:tough alone( he prefers to be alone) and quick
Other: his sister is fullmon

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Caesarean (#24295)

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Posted on
2014-06-02 12:14:21
(Winter010~ The only problems i can see with your form, is that 1~ You never put if they are Mossclan 2~ Fullmoon may be deputy, but the Full moon is a time for meeting, so i would suggest something like :Mooncloud, Darkfer/Shade, or something like that.)

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Ruler|Glacial Smilus (#33347)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 08:16:48
(when can we start?)

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Caesarean (#24295)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 08:46:05
As soon as Winter changes her form or another takes the place of deputy.

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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 10:29:38
(is it alight if i watch this to get a bit better at dong this for Warriors Cat rp. love Warriors Cat.)

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Ruler|Glacial Smilus (#33347)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 10:31:43
(ok yay!)

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