Posted by Gallery or Switch?: Reducing Den Page Bloat.
Napping Cat (#34632)

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Posted on
2014-06-04 02:05:20
Post title changed to reflect the addition of an alternative suggestion (see below the . . . . string).

I just got blasted with an Endless Wall of Images and GIFs when visiting a den page. Again. I'm on the verge of locking out everything indiscriminately that isn't essential for site function, for good. Inspired by this, here's a thought:

This site could really use a separate gallery page for people's dens, so they don't feel they have to put every single .GIF or art piece that catches their fancy on, and usually at the top of, their den's main page.

[Added later: OR a 3-way switch, see below the . . . down below in this post]

I'm risking being caught in a barrage of graphics-based friendly fire if I dare to browse den pages I'm not already familiar with, and it drives me crazy to load a page... and load a page... and load a page... watching graphic after graphic after graphic rapidly shove what I'm actually there to look at about a mile down the page. Unfortunately, it's not exactly optional to at least sometimes go to other people's den pages, including unknown ones, unless I want to severely curtail my own experience of Lioden to avoid this.

I realize that even if this is added, there's no forcing everybody to use it. And that some people will never really understand why it ruins any appreciation of the decorations and art I might have otherwise had, to have it crammed down my throat by the bucketful just to view their den page. (Looking at the support for the "disable den page HTML"-based thread, I'm not alone in feeling this way.) And as far a I can tell, some think the entire user base REALLY NEEDS to see a GIF of a cat licking peanut butter off its nose., and another of Bart Simpson mooning somebody, and another of a dog running on ice**... I understand the desire to share, but I'm getting really tired of being "shared with" when it's the last thing I want.

**I'm making these up as examples rather than target anyone specifically by describing existing ones, but they're a fair equivalent to some of what I have been running into.

But at least some people might have the courtesy to use this if it was added, which would help. And if this was implemented along with a limit to how much customization can be applied to the main page, [EDIT: Or, as has been asked for in another thread, a way for us to turn customization on other users' den pages on and off at our end] it'd be an even bigger help.

Well, it's a thought...

[Edited to add what's below...]


Edit #2:

I'm leaning toward a three-way switch option if the Gallery idea doesn't pan out: a "View All Customizations" view, a "Lite" view, and a "Basic View" or "Customizations Off" option.

It'd mean more work for the Lioden staff -and- for people customizing their pages, though. Staff coders would have to build in a way to create two different custom versions of an individual den page, the "full" and the "lite", and users would need to make two versions of a page if you want to have something besides Vanilla Default Den Page show up to viewers using the "Lite" option (This version would require some sort of hard cap on total file size perhaps, plus disabling options to add anything that functions as a link, alters the cursor, or what have you).

By the way, I'm using the "Lite" spelling to distinguish between "less graphic-heavy", and a darker site theme, which is a whole different thread.

It'd increase the required storage-space-per-user on the server. But it's an option, if the Gallery + On/Off or simple On-Off (not my favorite idea, but it's the simplest to code in, I suppose) ideas doesn't click.

If you Support, specify "Gallery" or "Three-way switch" -- Like the light bulb, people, minds outta the gutter! *grin*. As far as I'm concerned, ultimately, this one's up to what the Lioden staff feel like they want to implement, I'll take any of the above to get some kind of a vanilla or vanilla-ish view option here. :)

This suggestion has 32 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 05/06/14 by Napping Cat (#34632)

Carp (#5912)

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Posted on
2014-06-04 03:31:18
I agree completely. Although gifs are nice sometimes it takes a while for the page to load or worst it crashes. This would also be helpful for those who cannot look on certain pages because it gives them seizures and migraines. I know many people who are like this and are afriad to join most online communitys because of so.

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Napping Cat (#34632)

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Posted on
2014-06-04 04:03:15
@Beluna: More good points. I've also seen mention that they're extra-annoying when loading pages on a phone or tablet.

I'm hoping that reducing rather than eliminating this stuff from den pages entirely would still allow a user's favorite few "pretties" to be there, without going too nuts with them. The animated/flashing ones, gigantic load-heavy ones, or the ones that float above the page and get in the way, going by other posts within this forum, seem to be the worst offenders. The bulk of someone's "collection" could go in a gallery on a separate page; this would even still allow some fanart pieces or a custom banner to link to the gallery, without loading down the main page with -everything-.

The alternative to this consists of using a third-party blocker installed on the users' side, either preventing everything from the site hosting the .GIFs and images from loading (meaning that each individual one has to be added and blocked as you encounter it, this becomes annoying), or else taking a scorched-earth approach, blocking anything and everything that isn't a site function. This second option is far from optimal either, but it's also a lot simpler to do and be done with it and move on, which is pretty tempting right now.

I'd rather find a happy medium somehow, so that people can post their GIFs and display their fanart and so on, without it all being constantly "in my face" when I'm just looking at cubs or doing the hourly territory map thing. :)

[edit: rather than post back to back, adding: Aside from Things That Move, one of my personal pet peeves is any den theme that includes a custom cursor. These almost never 'aim' quite where I expect them to when I'm trying to click a link to a lion or to leave the page, possibly because the theme designer/user is familiar with where the "point" of the custom pointer is and I'm not. I've ended up using a random bookmark or the back arrow on my browser to bail out.]

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Edited on 04/06/14 by Napping Cat (#34632)

EasyPlesi (#23249)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-06-04 22:01:29
What about an option just to turn them off? I feel like that would be a better option for the people who enjoy looking at people's dens. (Like me). The option would be at the bottom of your page right next to 'turn off custom decors'

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Napping Cat (#34632)

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Posted on
2014-06-05 03:42:05
Queen Halloween That had already been added to my initial post, see the "EDIT" bit down near the bottom. Or what was the bottom before I added the section below the dot string. Thanks for the feedback!

I'd personally prefer a limit to how much can be done to the main den page, and a separate gallery page for the rest, AND an overall on-off switch at the viewer side being added, all together.

Or even a "view full customized/"lite" view/all off, three-way option... which I'm adding this to the main post as an option now.

It's -for- some of the people who might like looking at customizations that I suggest this. If a simple all on-all off is added with no other changes, then many users are just going to "set it and forget it" and never see -any- of the custom additions to know if they might want to go look at the gallery (or turn on Full View) on a specific individual page. Some animation-free, limited middle ground would be nice here to prevent having to choose between indiscriminate viewing of everything all the time or viewing none of it ever [edit again, because I mangled this sentence and didn't notice at the time], and maybe just reducing the wall o' shinies effect to something manageable. [Edited this part to make it clearer what I was trying to say.]

Even then "set it and forget it" will probably happen a lot. Which says something in its own right about this situation. ;)

Either of these other ways, visitors would see an idea what the more heavily customized gallery (or the "fully customized view" if they go that route) looks like and whether they might like to go see it, without getting the full graphic monty whether we want to or not. And if the three-way switch option went in, then people who just plain never want to see it or whose setup isn't friendly toward viewing it, don't have to. And there'd still be an all-off for users who are using phones and tablets or slow connections, have the seizure or other issues Beluna brought up, or who just prefer things vanilla and want the whole concept of custom dens to go awaaaay.

I really want an "and everybody's happy" effect here for most, if not all, page-viewers. :)

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Edited on 05/06/14 by Napping Cat (#34632)

Felicat (#24395)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-06-06 17:25:00
Support option to turn off customization view. I'm on your profile to check your lions, not see your MySpace page. That's what some of these dens are looking like now, with crazy, random THINGS just jammed in there all willy-nilly! It's your den, not your Facebook/Pinterest/Photobucket, for goodness' sake. Either that, or a limit to how many image links can be posted on a profile. It's getting ridiculous.

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Edited on 07/06/14 by Felicat-accepting challenges! (#24395)

2nd🌺*Frozen* (#10309)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-06-08 09:37:56
I would love a gallery to put my king's art in. I also would enjoy the option to "switch off" people's page decor.
Being on an iPad it stinks going to someone's page and have it jump around like crazy while all the images load.

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Chaoticoon (#2649)

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Posted on
2014-06-08 10:11:21
I really like the gallery idea. c:

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Before (#25066)

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Posted on
2014-06-12 09:43:50
Supporting the three-way view, or at least an on/off switch. My experiences on another petsite make me always wary of user-customized layouts, and I would just like to turn them off altogether.

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Pasha (#5512)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-06-15 06:58:36
I would like an option to put glittery nuisance stuff in different sections of the page, between the profile area and the den list, or even at the very bottom, etc.

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Alabai (#28971)

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Posted on
2014-06-15 21:35:07
It gets VERY frustrating to me, to scroll like this, through graphic-heavy pages...

I would totally support either a switch system (fun! oh wait, yes. USEFUL) or a Gallery- a Gallery would be pretty awesome, but it wouldn't FORBID people doing graphic-heavy page alterations, so I am less inclined to like it than some kind of switch which can simply close down the 'extra pics' on a page... but I know that will be hard to code.

Just think of ways to spare us the super-spam, staff!!

(I think not having the headers/normal LioDen stuff on a custom layout should be outright forbidden, too. I HATE having to do multiple 'backs' because there are no other links visible- if I have entered anything (say into the chat window) this also causes it to refuse to do a simple back too... UGH.)

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