Posted by Scourge Sign-ups

Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-20 16:26:10

the tribe
all mutations are welcomed; but blind, eyeless, dwarfs, and leopons are Forsaken. Use lion images and a description. Only one "special" position per user.

The King [1/1] ;; Theonⅼ pg 1ⅼ Elinora

Queens [3/4] ;; nameⅼ pg ⅼ Firebird95ⅼ head hunteress
nameⅼ pg ⅼ🔥 WildFire 🔥ⅼ head warrior
nameⅼ pg ⅼ userⅼ head scout
nameⅼ pg ⅼ Rainyⅼ head brood-mother

The Shaman [0/1] ;; nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼ mutation

Sub-males [2/2] ;; Mosaoⅼ pg 1 ⅼ Folly
Khalⅼ pg 1 ⅼ Hekata

The Forsaken [1/5] ;; Seliaⅼ pg 2ⅼ Ishi ⅼ Blind
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼ reason
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼ reason
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼ reason
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼ reason

Regulars [2/-] [huntress/warrior/scout/brood-mother/cub] ;;
Caleiaⅼ pg 1ⅼ Blood Mare ⅼBrood-mother
Amariⅼ pg 2ⅼ Ishi ⅼHuntress
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition

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Edited on 25/07/16 @ 10:45:20 by Elinora (#84943)

Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-20 16:26:25

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Edited on 20/07/16 @ 23:31:42 by Elinora (#84943)

Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-20 16:29:46

" ɢ ᴏ ᴅ ʟ ʏ "

name. Theon
rank. King
crush. None
mate. N/A

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Edited on 21/07/16 @ 15:40:17 by Elinora (#84943)

Lilytargaryen (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 16:42:41
I'd like to claim a queen spot please :)

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Fred 2.0 (#75325)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-20 17:10:19
Question/Reserve for Regular

Question: Could my lioness have a mutation for a mane? It makes her look better in honest opinion but if it isn't allowed, she can have it removed.

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[] Folly (#80040)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 00:20:49

Sex: Male
Age: 2 Years
Rank: Sub-Male
Relation To Theon: Nephew

Physical Appearance: Mosao is a young male and therefore built as such. He is smaller in frame than older counterparts though, judging by his Uncle's size, its apparent he still has some growing to do. That being said, his current size is nothing to sneeze at. Taking after his father, he boasts a burly structure that features a large head and wide-set shoulders. His chest is broad and it is apparent by his belly, Mosao gets his fair share at meal time. As for his coat, the male is slightly darker in shade than his Uncle, though his markings are quite similar and the familial resemblance is strong. His mane coloration is all his own, bestowed upon him from his mother's side of the family, and is an interesting, lilac hue, muted only by the intermingling onyx strands.

Personality: Despite being Smidgewidgeon's son, Mosao takes after his Grandfather when it comes to personality. Growing within Theon's Pride, he was met with nothing but love and flourished into a lion Crumb would have adored. He is kind, gentle, and very affectionate - sometimes a little too much so. He enjoys expressing his affection physically and will often try to initiate play and wrestling matches, despite his role as a Sub Male. A tad naive, its clear Mosao has a lot to learn but its obvious he's in very good paws.

History: Mosao was born into Theon's brother's Pride. Unfortunately, the usual procedure when male cubs are born into Smidgewidgeon's Pride is that they are not allowed to stay. Whether they are killed or sold/traded to other Prides is a matter discussed among the members and they usually come to a united decision - except in the matter of Mosao.

There was something about Mosao, something Smidgewidgeon couldn't shake, that made the King want to keep the little one around. This didn't bode well with the other females though, especially those who had witnessed their own cubs carried off in the dead of night - knowing their fate all too well. They demanded that Mosao be treated the same as the others and wouldn't rest until the cub was gone - refusing to hunt, mate, or even socialize with their King. Their feelings were understandably hurt but still, Smidgewidgeon could not bring himself to do the deed.

It was then that an opportunity presented itself. Smidgewidgeon reconnected with a long lost half-brother on his father, Crumb's side. Theon. When the subject of Mosao was brought up, Theon offered to shelter the young cub until he became worthy of taking the role of Sub Male in Smidgewidgeon's Pride. The cub would train, learn and eventually prove himself to the Pride that once rejected him and one day, be welcomed back into their midst.

Mate/Crush: None, currently

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Edited on 24/07/16 @ 17:39:11 by Folly (#80040)

Hekata (SFD) (#84603)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 04:04:17
Reserve for sub-male
Lions name: Khal

Khal was born on a bright day in June when the sun at its peak was in Gemini and the moon at its height was in Scorpio. His intellectual quickness and emotional depth combine to make him a forceful, magnetic, and versatile sub male, when he can get them working together. The danger of his nature is that sensationalism, over-emphasis on the personal and self-indulgent pleasures of life, absorb his vitality and his energy. He is sensitive to the impressions he receives from other lions, intuitive, and magnetic, and his power over others is his strength and his weakness. He tends to fall in with evil companions and to be attracted to the waifs and strays of the world and therefor has to be continuously careful of his associates, not only because “a lion is known by the company he keeps” but also because he is prone to take on the color of his surroundings and therefore, the better the surroundings, the better color he takes on. Ambition is not natural to him and he prefers ease and pleasure to other things. All manners of self-indulgence are dangerous to him and he must constantly be on the look out for it. Emotionally he is ardent – while the emotion lasts – but he is unlikely to find happiness through his emotional life and tends to take an objective, detached approach.

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Edited on 21/07/16 @ 19:52:36 by Hekata (#84603)

Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-21 04:11:12
Which Queen position would you like Firebird? Each Queen has a different role.

All mutations are welcomed Mare!

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Lilytargaryen (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 04:14:09
Hmm probably head hunteress

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Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-21 04:15:20

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🔥 Wildfire 🔥 (#36595)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 04:38:12
May I reserve- Queen = Head Warrior? I'll get on the computer shortly! ~<3

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Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-21 05:02:06

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Fred 2.0 (#75325)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-21 07:55:27
Name: Caleia
Sex: Lioness
Age: Seven Years

Appearance: Caleia is a brown lioness with cream and white markings that gently cover part of her lower frame. She can be seen as an average lioness with blood boiling eyes besides the fact that she has a somewhat large mane growing on her neck. It reaches down past her chest and the tips of the hair tends to flare out a bit. The female is also paired with a stalky body, much like a males and it tends to make her get mistaken by one often. Caleia without dec.

Personality: The lioness is odd and weird at odd moments of the day. When someone finally befriends the lioness, she tends to be a bit possessive over them and gets clingy the more she gets to know them. But, when the lioness is insulted, she tends to play it off as a joke before having her ego hurt quiet a bit for being different than others.

Rank: Regular Broodmother

Sexuality: Homosexual
Litters: None
Past Mates: Several different lioness.

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Edited on 21/07/16 @ 14:55:50 by Blood Mare (#75325)

Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-21 08:33:57
Hekata and Mare, both your characters are accepted.

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 18:12:59

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Edited on 22/07/16 @ 01:20:16 by Being as an Ocean (#41430)

Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2016-07-22 09:39:23
Could I reserve the Queen: Broodmother? I'll get the thing in tonight

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