Posted by [July] Remove energy cost in Celestial battles

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-07-22 17:30:48
Before you grab your torches and pitchforks... hear me out.

I think the energy cost from battling in Celestial Explore should be removed for the following reasons:
1. It's tedious to have to switch between Explores so often.
2. Everyone already explores there at 0% energy anyway since you aren't negatively affected by having no energy for a battle.
3. It overall doesn't make sense to lose energy in a battle if exploring there doesn't cost energy.

I'll explain my reasoning for each point below:

1. Switching between regular Explore and Celestial Explore at the moment is tedious. I want to use the 1500 Meteorite Shards on each of my accounts, but I don't always have time to do that because I have to deplete my energy first. As we know, the elusive Interstellar base applicator can be found this month in regular Explore. However miniscule the chances of encountering it may be, I don't want to miss out on it.

But man, switching between both Explores gets bothersome very quickly. Especially if you have to go back and forth every 15 minutes or so with a sliver of energy. Even more often if you choose the energy-giving option from encounters in Celestial Explore.

A lot of the time I spend on Lioden is at work during small increments of downtime - 5-10 minutes here and there - so often I am only able to do my regular Explore stuff. (I am aware not everyone is in this sort of position, but I do know of at least a few others who log on at work or school.)

2. Everyone explores without energy anyways, so losing energy is essentially a non-factor. I don't think I need to explain this one much. Essentially, removing the energy cost from the battles will remove the micromanaging aspect of maximizing your gains in the event. You can explore in the Celestial zones for a while and come back to the regular Explore with a good chunk of energy to go through.

I'd also enjoy selecting the energy-giving options as well if it was actually able to add up to something reasonably significant. Let's be honest - how worthwhile does it feel to get 5% energy, switch over to Explore, and take 2 steps?

3. It doesn't make sense to lose energy in a zone that doesn't cost energy to use steps. In Explore, each step costs energy and each battle costs energy. It's practical, just like the real world would work. Walking and fighting would make a lion tired eventually.

But you don't walk in the Celestial zones - the shards are now "energy". Something something Demiurge. Presumably, since using the Shards means you don't expend any actual energy by moving, would it not make sense that battles might work similarly?

Now, there may be a problem with not having the battles cost anything, so I will tentatively suggest having them use Meteorite Shards instead. I understand if that would be going too far for some people, though, and I would appreciate feedback in the comments regarding that as well! The cost would be lower than the cost of the step itself - 2 per win and 1 per loss, the same ratio as regular battles. Alternatively, it could cost 1 Shard per loss and 0 per win, so that only losses are detrimental.

I included that last suggestion because in several other events with just regular Explore, you have to make a decision: battle for guaranteed or possibly better currency, or conserve energy in the hopes of finding more event encounters? July has NO downsides to battling, with the obvious exception of it being somewhat time consuming en masse. I don't think that aspect is good game design, no offense to any of the game designers of course.

Ah, that's about it I suppose. I'll add and remove stuff as I think on things, and I welcome any and all suggestions and/or criticism!


My other suggestions:
Masterpost here

This suggestion has 94 supports and 20 NO supports.

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Edited on 25/07/23 @ 11:59:47 by Terrinthia [G1 Jellyfish] (#97101)

Mad Hyena (#29080)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2023-07-24 04:05:42
Hmm, after thinking, Ill have to say No Support. I would MUCH rather the "downside" of July battling be having to closely monitor your energy so it doesnt go to waste, and having to go back to normal explore for 5% energy, over every battle draining even more meteorite shards. The energy loss from battles that dont take energy is a downside on its own, and a better one than costing shards.

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✧|Tacatto|✧ Haze
RLC (#25830)

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Posted on
2023-07-25 10:43:19
Honestly it makes sense to me because your lion is still physically fighting, which takes up energy. It would be cool for the explore methods and fighting methods to match, but it wouldn't make any sense to change it. How would someone be able to fight and not lose energy from the physical movements? Sorry, no support.

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-07-25 17:29:25
Those are fair points, to both of you. Had to take a little while to think on it. I respect your decision to not support!

I did make a small (eh, tiny) addition to my post regarding using Shards instead of energy, suggesting that maybe a battle win could cost 0 Shards - similar to now - and only losses would cost 1 Shard.

I don't know exactly how the shards technically function in terms of allowing you to move through space, but in my mind that would also correlate to fighting, to some extent at least. Without a proper atmosphere to fight in, wouldn't you technically need the same source of energy in order to not flail around in place? I suppose I'm heavily assuming distance here, but I mean, the enemies can move freely, which would put you at a heavy disadvantage if you are stuck in the same spot.

That said, I don't truly mind if battling uses up a Meteorite Shard or not. I do feel that some players might not like battling to be truly without drawbacks. Mainly I am just motivated by my own annoyance at accidentally battling with any amount of energy remaining. ^^; Battling event enemies in other events has some benefits despite the energy loss, while in Celestial Explore it is always suboptimal to lose energy for. I hope I'm explaining it properly; I'm a bit tired and might have rambled.

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-07-27 16:57:44
Considering the battles don't NEED energy I would have to agree. If you can fight in celestial battles without energy, there is no reason for it to take energy either.

It would be different if battles required energy, but they dont. You can battle even without energy, so idk why it takes energy when you have it.

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Kitty (G2 NRLC) (#278648)

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Posted on
2023-07-27 16:59:18
same as the other no supports. i think it should cost normal energy, since youre a lion. the land is celestial, so you traverse it using meteorite shards -- but youre not celestial, when you fight you use normal energy. i bet if enemies used energy, the celestial beings would use up meteorite shards lmfao

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-07-27 20:02:15
hey i think it would help if you change the title to [July] Remove energy "drain" in Celestial battles since it doesnt actually cost energy to battle rather than it removes it if you happen to have energy

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🍵 skye wolfe (#320259)

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Posted on
2023-08-17 07:59:43
you CAN just use your energy then explore, but . .

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-08-17 08:06:56
I know... I just find it to be kind of annoying to have to go back to regular Explore every 15 minutes to take like 4 steps. I'd rather play around in Celestial Explore for an hour or so, then go back to Explore with 40-50% energy.

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🍵 skye wolfe (#320259)

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Posted on
2023-08-17 08:26:50
i understand, i supported tho! i honestly don't mind either way¬!

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-08-17 08:38:46
Ah, thank you! ^^ It's more of a pain for me on days where I only have a couple minutes to click explore every 10-20 minutes, so I don't often have enough time to battle substantially in Celestial before I have to re-spend my energy :p

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