Posted by LionsClaw and Mantis RP

LionsClaw025 (#221572)

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Posted on
2024-02-05 09:24:13
Neo walked across the open savanna. His massive paws crunching the dry grass underfoot as he trudged along. He stopped and gave a sniff to the air. It was dry, with a faint twang to it. A smell he was not familiar with. He lowered his head and sneezed. A smell he wasn’t fond of either.

“I can smell it too, Sir.” A male with a sparkling grey mane said as he came to stand beside his king. “I’ve been wondering if our prey can smell it as well.”

Neo looked over his left shoulder at his submale. Jafari was at least 6 years older then him. As the story went, he’d been abandoned by his original pride, when the old king, Jahi found him. He’d been the first of many that weak king had taken in. Now, Neo had to wait until he and a few other submales left or died off before he could truly establish his own kingdom. Neo snorted.

“You sound as stupid as some of the lionesses.” He scoffed. “We all know that lions have the chief noses.”

“But that doesn’t mean-” Jafari started. Neo continued walking.

“It does mean that the lionesses, under your instruction, are failing.” He quipped. “You can’t use a twang in the air to explain why most of the pride complains of hunger and threatens to leave.”

Neo sniffed the air and paused a growl boiling in his throat. Jafari followed in suit. Both lions froze and stared out into the distance.

“Great, just what our pride needs, visitors.” Neo growled.

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LionsClaw025 (#221572)

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Posted on
2024-03-13 11:49:11
Outside the den, soft grasses swayed. Lionesses of a variety of colors walked by nodding to the males as they passed before they turned to whispering… assumably about the two males. Cubs ran an jumped about tackling each other and getting up to other cub shananagines. A very white adolescent laid near a crack in the wall across the field from them. She was listening to a piebald and another spotted female. The other lions seemed to avoid this area, sending glares or rude glances their way. The other lionesses didn’t seem to mind though.

“Grunby! Give it back!” Another cub yelled. Two female cubs raced by. The first had a very pink marking on her back and a stubby tail. Her thick legs pounded as she put quite a bit of distance between she and the other more normal cub.

“Catch me!” The other cub exclaimed.

“You know I can’t!” The cub exclaimed. She stopped and sat almost disappearing in the grass.

The white adolesant stood. Just as the primal cub passed her she leaped out and snagged her. They tumbled in the grass. A floppy eared lioness came running up.

“Get back from my cub!” She exclaimed. A dark lioness walked out of the crack where the white lioness had been. She scanned the situation, but said nothing.

“I’m, I’m sorry.” The adolescent stepped back.

“And you should be. I don’t want your kind touching mine. Got it?” She hissed. The white lioness dipped her head and slink back to the crack. She looked over her shoulder and disappeared in side. Suddenly the air grew tense, and a hiss of whispers filled the area.

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Mantis (#200320)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 12:10:53
Reaper seemed taken back from the dark lionesses shouting at the white adolesant and his protective nature urged him to walk over to them, to check on them. " Hey, are you alright?", he asked. Seeing how they treated lions with different mutations was very different form them, even Wubbzy looked like he felt bad for them.

it made him reflect briefly on how his own pride saw him and treated each other while he was gone. He hoped they weren't getting on bad terms with each other, the last thing he needs is to come home with fights going on.

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LionsClaw025 (#221572)

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Posted on
2024-03-25 08:58:43
The floppy eared lioness looked sharply over her shoulder. She eyed the male, before pushing the cub to scoot over to her den. She rushed up behind them. Her mind was set on giving a scolding before the dark one, Subria could speak. Subria eyed her though, and the older lioness nodded to her clan memeber. She then looked up at Reaper.

“I am Subria, and this is Waaiz.” She lazily pointed to the floppy eared lioness, now standing at Reaper’s side.

“A pleasure.” Waaiz said dipping her head. Her gaze snapped back to Subria. “I’ve told you before, I don’t want you filthy vagrants playing with my cubs.”

Subria nodded. “Ah, yes. This arguement again.” She looked up at Reaper. “I’m sorry you had to experience this. To answer your question everything is fine. Just usual family arguements.”

“Yeah.” Waaiz spat. “Usual. And one I thought we solved.”

“Waaiz. We cannot help it if our cubs want to play together. Simply because our children were born from a king other than Neo does not mean they should be shunned. May I remind you that your father was not our king, but Ellie’s was.”

Waaiz shuffled from foot to foot. Then dropped her head. “You’re right.” She looked over her shoulder then up at Reaper, then back at Subria. “But Ellie’s mother could have had it differently. I want the rest of our cubs to have no association with her or any other cubs from the lot of you.” She dipped her head and walked away.

Subria looked up at Reaper. “Again, I’m sorry you had to experience that. Might I offer you something to eat? There isn’t much, but from rumors I’ve heard you’ve come a long way to get here.”

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Mantis (#200320)

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Posted on
2024-04-16 15:39:54
( I'm so sorry for such a delayed response college has been pretty exhausting)

"Oh no, we're fine for now", Reaper spoke to Subria." And it's alright, it's just kind of strange. To see those with mutations treated in such a way. In my pride we adore those with mutations. We even have one with floppy ears as well", Reaper said, looking to Wubbzy for agreement.

Wubbzy nodded." It's true, my own sister has white patches all over and the previous King also adored her. We even have one with dark spots". He spoke. Hoping that this would kind of cheer up the cub. He could never imagine his own clanmates treating each other's cubs in such a way.

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LionsClaw025 (#221572)

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Posted on
2024-04-16 15:53:54
(I figured! No worries!)

Subria nodded. "Every clan is different I suppose." She replied. She leaned closer to the two. "I think the mutations make others jealous. I personally don't mind. My best friend, Chipo has dark patches."

Just as she finished speaking a group of six males broke from the crack that lead to Neo's den. Behind them all was Neo himself. He spoke to a younger primal who looked distinctly like him. The primal nodded and descended the place where the crack was. Neo returned back to it.

The younger primal walked up to them. As he did Subria bowed her head.

"Salman." She said. He smiled.

"Subria, I thought we've had this conversation. I'm not king yet!" He laughed. Subria lifted her head and playful rolled her eyes. She turned back to her crack in the wall, before she did though she smiled and nodded to the two males.

"I can see you are a wise king Wubzy. It was a pleasure to meet you." She slipped into the crack.

Salman nodded to Wubbzy and Reaper. "I'm Salman. Neo's heir. We've just finished discussing your proposal and convinced my father it is a good one. We're happy to work with your pride." Salman said.

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Mantis (#200320)

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Posted on
2024-04-18 01:35:02
Wubbzy seemed to look relieved beyond belief. His clan finally had some hop enad they could return with good news! Reaper looked quite happy to hear the news.

" Amazing! You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear that. We've been looking for so long now I feel I can properly rest", Wubbzy said." Thank you so much in helping convincing your father. I hope this brings not just food to both our clans but a promising connection!". He spoke.

Reaper turned back to where they were meant to be resting, finding Brutus and nudging her awake, like when he was a cub wanting to play with her in the younger days. " Brutus! Brutus good news! Neo has been convinced to accept out offer!". He said.

Brutus huffed slightly and got up." Well I suppose he does have a brain somewhere in that shell of a head. Good on him for seeing how beneficial this will be for our clans". She said and stretched her back out and yawned.

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LionsClaw025 (#221572)

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Posted on
2024-04-18 13:33:58
Salman chuckled at their excitement. In truth he knew his father would not help that much. As the heir though, he determained he would as much as he could to up hold the agreement.

He watched as the submale ran off. "You should probably get rest. We can discuss the terms in depth tomorrow." He said. "My uncle Mostafa, and myself will be working with you and your team to make this work well for both of us."

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Mantis (#200320)

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Posted on
2024-04-18 19:21:37
Wubbzy gave him a nod. "Will do, thank you once again. You have no idea how grateful I am". He said and turned around to go back to the others to join them.

Once walking into the den with his pride companions, he saw how relaxed they were now. And for once Brutus seemed to smile a little. He missed seeing her less grumpy all the time.

Reaper was taking the time to groom Brutus, feeling still quite cheerful at the news and wanting to keep Brutus tidy of course.

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LionsClaw025 (#221572)

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Posted on
2024-04-20 10:17:42
The next day, a black and red lioness slipped into the cave, Uskia, the kings mother, at her side. The two talked lowly as they dropped a half eaten elephant carcass in the cave where their guests were sleeping.

"Ellie is just feeling awful about what happened yesterday." Wardi whispered.

"No need. Yara and Waaiz are just over protective of their cubs. No need for her to feel that way." Uskia replied.

"I'm sorry for how Waaiz turned out. She was such a a delightful cub, but now..." Wardi trailed off.

"You did your best my friend. At least your son isn't the dictator of the pride." Usika chuckled.

"I suppose that is fair. We should be going now, though." Wardi said scanning the area. "We don't want to wake them."

Usika nodded. "No." She said scanning the area. Her eyes landed on Brutus. "You know I can see why the submales keep chatting about her."

"Come friend, let's discuss this outside." Wardi replied with a smirk.

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Mantis (#200320)

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Posted on
2024-04-20 15:49:33
It would be awhile later that the guest would wake up, Brutus being the first to and wake up her King with a rough pat on his side. " Wake up Wubbzy, our hosts have brought us food". She said, her tone stern and Wubbzy got up with a startle.

" Brutus, do you have to wake me up this way? Not that I don't appreciate it but you scare me so much when it's that rough". He said and walked over to the Elephant carcass to take his bites into it. Brutus huffed, " Well I need you wide awake once we meet out hosts outside, didn't our prior King train you to be even up before I am?". She said. Wubbzy looked away after that, clearly avoiding the question.

Brutus made her way to Reaper and woke him up a little softer than she did to Wubbzy." Reaper, wake up. It's time to get up and eat". She said, even a little softer to him. Reaper blinked his eyes open and stretched." Morning Brutus, Wubbzy. I see they left us kind of them". He said and smiled. He honestly thought they'd have to hunt their share, not that he minded but it was very generous of them to feed them as well.

Brutus and Reaper walked over to the carcass and began eating their share. And the occasional small 'Don't chew with your mouth open', from Brutus to Wubbzy

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LionsClaw025 (#221572)

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Posted on
2024-04-20 17:01:09
Wardi and Usika sat outside passing along gossip from the pride. By now a few other older lionesses had joined them. All of them laughed as they discussed things going on in the pride.

A few feet off the white adolescent from the day before stood in a line with Salman and another adolescent male. The three hoped from one foot to another seeming to be doing a dance of some sort. The white lioness lost her footing and the two males poked fun at her.

Above them all sat Neo talking to his queen, Hadiza. He kept an eye on the crack leading to the den where there visitors slept.

"It was a good choice Neo." She said.

"I hope so. Salman seems keen on it. But that boy is keener about the world around him than he should be." Neo replied.

"Well, it's not a bad thing." Hadiza replied.

"But I don't think its a good thing either." Neo replied.

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Mantis (#200320)

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Posted on
2024-04-20 18:11:25
After eating their food Wubbzy walked out first, and Reaper and Brutus followed after him. Brutus scanned the area and lions around them. She didn't feel as on edge as before. She saw where Neo and Hadiza and nudged Wubbzy toward their direction.

Wubbzy walked over to them. " Hello Neo, Hadiza!" He said. " I was told by Salman that we could talk more in depth today!". Reaper looked over at the adolescents playing and watched.

Brutus sat by waited patiently to listen to what Neo had to say.

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LionsClaw025 (#221572)

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Posted on
2024-04-20 20:55:48
Neo nudged Hadiza to stand and the two walked down from the wall shelf they had been on. Hadiza smirked as she scanned the males. She gave a nod to Brutus. Neo followed behind her but did not give a head nod, or any other greeting. Rather he just came and stood before them.

"Ah yes, Salman." He looked beyond the trio. "Salman!"

The young male looked over his shoulder and paused what he was doing. He said something to the others with him, then bounded over. The others followed him at a distance, then stopped beside Reaper.

"Whoa! Your wings are so cool!" The young male exclaimed.

"Caleb, sh." The female warned. She nodded to Reaper than sat watching the others talk.

"Sorry father." Salman said as she came to stand by his father. He bopped his shoulder with his nose, but Neo gave no reply. Hadiza flicked her tail to him.

"I want you to help with the negotiations." Neo said.

"I will father." Salman replied. He turned to Wubzy. "As I wasn't there when you originally proposed the idea. Would you mind repeating your terms? I want to know how we can best work with you."

At that Neo rolled his eyes. Hadiza looked over the group. "Perhaps it would be better if Wubzy and his submale went with you and Salman to our cave? You could keep your opinions free from the others?" She offered.

"Yes, actually. That would be a good idea." Neo said. He turned, and looked over his shoulder. "Come Wubzy"

Salman frowned when his father wasn't looking. "I'm sorry." He mouthed.

"Brutus!" Hadiza exclaimed walking over to the lioness. "I don't believe you've seen much of the pride yet. While the boys talk why don't I give you a tour? It'll be a great way to sort of build that alliance between the prides, hm?"

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Mantis (#200320)

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Posted on
2024-04-20 23:24:43
Brutus had returned a Nod to Daiza when she passed.

Reaper would look at his wings and give them a flutter to show them to the young lions and smiled. the cubs in his pride were always asking for him to flutter his wings for them so he didn't mind. " If you think mine are cool you should see one of my clanmates who looks just like you", he said to white lioness. " Hers are quite colorful and adorns many jewelry".

Wubbzy nudged Reaper and turned to follow Neo. Reaper dipped his head to the young lions." I'd love to tell you both more about her but we must be going now". He said and followed Wubbzy.

Brutus pondered on the invitation for a moment and gave a nod." Very well, I think that is a very good idea. Lead the way". She said.

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LionsClaw025 (#221572)

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Posted on
2024-04-22 11:34:27
Salman smiled at his siblings as he walked away. Ellie was wary, just deep down so curious about everything around her. Caleb on the other hand was always 100% into everything. He was the one who was first into danger, and Salman was usually right next to him with Ellie close behind. They were a trio.

He turned his attention back to the matter at hand. As usual, father was being aloof and inconvenienced. Food was what the pride needed though, and this pride offered to help. How could they pass up an offer like that? As they assessed the stone carved ramp heading to the opening for his father's den, Salman stuck to the back. He followed in silence, then when they arrived at the landing followed the group in.

Behind the jaggedly cut doorway was a reddish colored den. The ground was covered in dried grasses, clearly taken from the field below. Little dried flowers dotted the ground. Light came from little fireflies trapped in human bottles around the den.

"Please, sit." Salman said. He followed his father and sat next to him. "Now, remind us again off your offer, and share whatever terms you would like to put out now."


Hadiza walked around Brutus. "I'll start by showing you the mother's den." The grey lioness picked up her paws and walked toward the end of the valley.

"We have many lionesses here, and lions. At most our advisory board has 6 submales at a time. Lionesses hunt, care for cubs and deal with pride relations." She said. She paused near a crack in the red wall. It was wide enough for a lioness to slip through, but no one bigger. Hadiza looked at Brutus then disappeared inside.

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