Posted by Short story commisions

Floofy (#8914)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-17 16:50:05
Hello one and all and welcome to my story page. Ive written lore for other similar games and today I'd like to start a post for Lioden!

Prices as follows
Stories for individuals-
1 paragraph- 100 SB
2 paragraphs 150sb
3 paragraphs 200sb
4 paragraphs 250sb
5 paragraphs 300sb
Over 5 paragraphs- 350sb-1k
1gb for any of these (I will also accept some Oasis items in exchange, along with roasted lamb etc. just ask.)

Lore story for the whole pride
1gb with up to 5 lions included
2gb for up to 10 lions included

Example of my writing-
It was a dark and stormy night when BigFloof was chased from his pride. His father, a heartless leader left him limping and in pain. He found sanctuary in a swamp riddled with mosquitos and testy crocodiles. He hid beneath a great baobab tree, finding solace in the dry resting spot, the rain and wind blocked by its sturdy trunk. He had just fallen asleep when he heard branches cracking above him, it was then that he looked up only to meet the eyes of Star Dreamer, his mother had followed after him, their bond strong enough that she left her home to make sure her son made his place in the world. She hopped down from the tree and bonked her head against his. "Son it will be a rough start but I will help you find your place here in this unforgiving world." With a pur she plopped down next to him and they slept.

Waking in the morning to clear skies, BigFloof spotted on the horizon a grouping of trees, away from the snapping crocodile's, away from the beating sun. He nudged his mother awake and they began to walk. It took over an hour to reach their new home, when they got there a group of female lions lay in wait. Approaching cautiously, BigFloof only smelled them, no smells of another male, yet he and his mother sunk down into the tall grass to watch...

Fury, queen of her own pride had been looking for a new male to rule them for weeks now, none had matched up to what they needed. A protector, strong and mighty male with a roar that could shake the ground itself. Many had attempted and all had ended up chased off or dead by her own claws. Her girls meant everything to her. She was resting under a tree when she caught the scent of death on the air, hyenas, they had been following the female pride for a few days now.

With the winds changing Fury realized they were closer then they had ever gotten, she focused, listening and watching the open clay flats, then she heard it, cackling. She jumped up and motioned for her companions to follow her lead, they turned and started trotting further into the trees. Aishia, another female in her group lifted her head and took in a deep breath as they trotted. There was a male near by, she didn't recognize the scent but she quietly made Fury aware..

With a male so near and the hyenas on their trail, Fury tensed up, ready for any attack. It was then that the hyenas made themselves visible, a group of four shuffled out from behind a tree, cackling loudly as they kept their heads low and started pacing back and forth behind the group. The females stopped and hunched their backs ready for an attack...

Suddenly BigFloof bounded out from behind the same tree, taking one of the hyenas necks into his mouth he rolled, bringing the beast with him. With a loud crunch the Hyena stopped wriggling around and fell limp on the ground. BigFloof positioned himself between the females and the hyenas, and roared a most fearsome roar, the ground cracked at his feet and the trees littered leaves all around.. one of the hyenas went for him, biting his hind leg, but before it could do more BigFloof snatched it up and threw it at its pack mates, Knocking one over, with that the hyenas took off, running as fast as they could, nearly tripping over each other.

Fury was caught off guard, who was this primal Male that stood before her and her girls.. a female lion that carried nearly the same markings and scent as the male came out from behind the bushes and bonked heads with him. She watched curiously, when the male turned his attention to her group and made eye contact with her, her cheeks went hot with blush and she threw her ears back, not sure she wanted to trifle with this male she looked at her pride to see their reaction.. they all looked awe-stricken. Aishia gave her a nod then looked back towards the male, lifting her muzzle to sniff in his direction..

Fury made the first move, taking a few steps towards the male she noticed the female with him bare teeth but she was unafraid, she got within a few feet of him before sitting down.

"Who are you?" She asked calmly
"I am BigFloof. This is my mother." He motioned towards Star Dreamer. "We're looking for a new place to call home. Where is your male?" He asked before looking around taking another big breath. "I don't smell him anywhere."
"He died many months ago. I've been leading the pride since. This was his territory but we've been slowly moving south, another pride is encroaching and we couldn't fight them all. They have brothers leading them, ruthless, they and their females have already killed several of us. It's safer to keep moving."

BigFloof nodded, taking another look around. When he turned back the other females in her group had approached, staying just behind Fury. It was then that a cub came darting out from behind her, running straight up to BigFloof before Fury could stop him.

"Well hello there." BigFloof said with a smile, who do we have here?" The cub came to a stop and stared up at the large intimidating male before giving out a crackling mew, he was trying to roar! BigFloof laughed and lowered to the cubs level keeping his rump in the air as he gave a playful grown back, the cub jumped at him and clamped onto his mane, BigFloof laughed again and rolled over on the ground, playing as if the cub had taken him out.

Fury fell hard.. she was ready to accept this male as their leader, when she turned towards her group she saw their smirks and she knew they agreed, when he finished playing with the cub Fury went right up to him and bonked heads before running her body against his. It was final then, they were a new pride.

The end.

Past commisions I have permission to share-

Astaroth, a wicked queen, ruled her pride with a firm fist. From a young age she was much larger then her pride mates, even outgrowing her father Portokáil in time. By the time she reached adolescence he was afraid of her, Often ignoring her misbehaviors in fear of retaliation. When she was grown her pride looked to her for protection, and also looked out for her wrath.

When Astaroth reached adulthood she started her plans to overthrow her father. Determined to take over the pride she started making alliances, usually through force and fear, she slowly got the strongest in her pride to follow her lead. Astaroth was a force to be reckoned with even at a young age she shook the bones of her competition, taking out all of the male heirs that stood in her way, eventually giving her father no choice but to leave the pride to her.

Once in her paws, Astaroth continued to take out the weakest links in the pride until only the strongest, most obedient remained. Though she is a ruthless leader, in time, her pride has grown to respect and love their queen. She has carried them through droughts, taken out threats and kept them all fed. Though cruel, she is just, beautiful and envied by many.

Long live the Queen!

Even if you don't buy a story I hope you enjoyed this one!! Have a beautiful day.


Number of finished commisions

(Extra info, the story you request doesn't have to be about lions, just let me know the details!)

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Edited on 26/04/24 @ 19:22:04 by Miss Fizzle (#8914)

StrawberryMilk (#226021)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-17 16:52:44
I’d love a 3 paragraph for my new heir! You can look his name up for the lore^^
They will identify as she/her (queen) instead of a heir and she’s a lot larger than her siblings, pride members and some of the male lions before her!

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Edited on 17/04/24 @ 16:54:54 by StrawberryMilk (#226021)

Floofy (#8914)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-17 16:53:57
Did you want creative freedom for with it or did you have some input? :)

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StrawberryMilk (#226021)

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Posted on
2024-04-17 16:55:31
You can do whatever you wish! I edited the post to give a lil more idea! If you look up the lore, you can get some ideas^^

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Floofy (#8914)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-17 16:56:47
Sounds good! I adjusted the prices a little, 50sb cheaper then I originally posted. Just to let you know! I'll get working on it now :)

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StrawberryMilk (#226021)

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Posted on
2024-04-17 16:57:12
Tysm hun!

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™ðŸ’œ (#301913)

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Posted on
2024-04-17 19:33:10
Hello! I'd like to commission but I have a quick question beforehand, if I want a 4 paragraph short story about 2 pride members interacting with eachother would that be 250SB or 1GB?

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Floofy (#8914)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-17 19:42:10
Whichever payment you prefer to pay!

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™ðŸ’œ (#301913)

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Posted on
2024-04-17 19:47:49
Ok! Sorry if that was silly to ask just didn't know if that counted for the pride lore since you specified individual^^

Anyways, I'd like to get two separate 4 paragraph short stories^^

For short story 1, I'd like a story about my king rescuing from the flood pits and bringing him back to the pride! Maybe mention something about him blending in a lot because he's small and has the Murk base. Only other thing is I'd like their personalities kept in mind and Leshy being fine with joining the pride!

For short story 2, I'd like a story about and sneaking off from the pride to go play and cuddle in a meadow. Once again keep their personalities in mind, and I want it to take place during spring/april. Just a cute story about them being silly girlfriends^^

Hope everything I asked for is ok, do you take payment upfront or afterwards?

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Floofy (#8914)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-17 20:05:52
Sounds like a plan! I'll get started soon, there's 1 person ahead of you. Can you send a trade with the payment, I'll add 1sb and accept when I'm done then send the stories, any edits will be free if you're not happy!

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™ðŸ’œ (#301913)

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Posted on
2024-04-17 20:15:34
Trade has been set up!

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Floofy (#8914)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-17 20:33:33
About to start on yours!

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