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Queen Maji

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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 17 real life days.
Lion Stats
5443 / 13310 (40%)
Level 12
Strength 37 Speed 37
Stamina 43 Smarts 44
Agility 40 Skill 44
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 245
Lion Currents
Age 6 years old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Modest (Neutral)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 30.769230769231%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Unknown View Full Heritage
Last Bred 6 days ago Fertility Good View All Cubs Bred (3)
Appearance Markings
Base Maltese (Black Skin) Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (100%) Tier 2
Genetics Black Medium Countershaded Uncommon
Eyes Black
Mane Type Normal
Mane Color Zer
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Nightmare Zebra Foal Decor
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 98 Successful Hunts 53 Success Rate 54%

Nursing Cubs
This lioness is currently nursing the following cubs...
Majis Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gATwngi9FV0

A demon of loathing and fear she has taken over the ranks of the pride and positioned herself as the Heir to the Queens throne, having chased off Diamondshade and several other lionesses she has even Sunsight under her iron rule. A dark aura surrounds her and she is not above killing several cubs, she loathes Hevvin Ravens cub and regards her as a rival to the position of most feared between the now allied prides. Milos her Fiancee is the only one who dares stand up to her, in retaliation she often attacks him.

Maji was exploring some of the borders by herself where she met a lioness that she imediatly loathed on sight the bastard cub of Raven. Maji promptly tormented the cub with the fact that she had been beating the brown lioness named Raven for cheating on the heir to the throne to whom she was formerly betrothed to. The malteese cub showed no fear inface of the older lioness, when the other lioness attempted to taunt her because her mother was a rogue the black eyed lioness replied that when Raven next bears cubs she will take great pleasure in giving them slow deaths.

Maji is well experienced in Blood magic, something that appears to be in her blood from her mothers side, bewitching animals to come back to life and fight for her she is powerful and well aware that if any other prides found out about it they would try and kill her.

Finding out of Penelopes brown cub and how she snuck her to Juno Maji took it upon herself to punish Penelope, finding the cub that Juno had named Sofia after Penelopes Daughter Sophia which in Majis opinion was rather Ironic she stole the cub in the middle of the night. Dragging the helpless cub to an area well known for vultures she sacrificed the cub to the blood magic rites. With her claws she carved runes into the cubs flesh whilst it was still alive and watched as it slowly died power flowing into her veins.

At one year of age Maji was sick and tired of her mothers old fashioned ways, she disliked the discipline that her mother forced upon her so one night she snuck up and with expert claws that were reinforced with hyena fangs she ripped open her mother right through the stomach. The death was slow and painful for the golden queen. Maji watched with pleasure in her black eyes, later finding out about Hevvins son a handsome fiery she began making plans to seduce him.

Especially if she could give birth to a rare colored cub from Hevvins son then her own blood would be able to take both prides. When sunsight was killed by her minions at first she was smug before enraged atthe fact that the slate cub had taken over instead of her husband.

With her husband Milos's death she was distraught, knowing that hevvin Angelbright was to blame for this she swore to herself that she would get her own revenge. Hevvin lead her pride to attack her and kill her once and for all, Maji was cunning and sent her undead minions into battle first before attacking Hevvin from the side. They were evenly matched until Hevvin withdrew to protect the black lioness Arioch, dropping Milos's skinned face and mane at the queens feet. Anger burning through her her eye was caught by the fiery cub Moto, boundin gover to tear his life from him the Husband of Hevvin Mohatu showed up. He got in the way allowing Moto to get away from her claws. Taking Mohatu She waited until the perfect moment before she killed him, leaving him for Imani to find brutally beaten, clawed and disembowled, she killed him slow enjoying his screams.

After this incident she remarried to the king of the pride Archimedes and became queen just as she always planned. After becoming queen she changed things, all females were going to be kept under strict control and would have to come to her not the king for permission to breed. When her husband fell in love with the beautiful prune Athena maji was paranoid that he'd divorce her, this was not the case. Instead he took her as a second wife leaving maji as queen and head wife of his harem if he decided to marry any others

Furious when the Prune wife of the king gave birth to two rare pelted cubs she instantly began training the prune Cub Thalia to make Moto fall in love with her. She also brought two copper cubs back to life in Hevvins pride, the female got sent over but the male remained there keeping Hevvin and Arioch fearful. Ever paranoid she was outraged when two of her three cubs were sent away to other prides, however she was grateful that Medousa was allowed to stay.

When Sophia attacked raven to keep up appearances Maji went and brought the traitorus lion back and after a speedy trial killed her. Later she rose her from the dead making her a zombie minion who patrolled the borders and reported back to her. Corrupting zoe from a young age the crafty female raised her to love hevvin, planning when hevvin rejected the cub to turn her into a dangerous monster.

blamed for the death of Thamani Maji watches Moto with a cunning gaze knowing that she will be able to get him back for what hes claimed is her kill. Tempted to bring Thamani back to dispute the fierys claim she watches with black eyes waiting patiently and calmly for the chance to strike. Sending Zoe to Motos pride to unleash the cubs fury on the poor participants there she is rather satisfied with herself


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