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Mystic Crown of Fire

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This lioness will come into heat in 7 days.
Lion Stats
11162 / 15840 (70%)
Level 13
Strength 105 Speed 100
Stamina 94 Smarts 121
Agility 108 Skill 46
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 574
Lion Currents
Age 5 years, 10 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Cuddly (Good)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 29.487179487179%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father The Sentinel (Deceased) Mother Treasure of the Four Crowns View Full Heritage
Last Bred Never Fertility High View All Cubs Bred (0)
Appearance Markings
Base Zarasa (Brown Skin) Slot 2: Fiery Undercover (70%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Onyx Ridge (79%) Tier 3
Slot 7: White Lace (77%) Tier 2
Slot 8: White Cobweb (43%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Black Ends (63%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Fiery Undershine (36%) Tier 3
Genetics Golden Medium Solid Common
Eyes Green
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Infernal
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Scar: Shoulder
Fur and Feather Bodywear
Scar: Long Right Eye
Striped Bush Squirrel Decor
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 159 Successful Hunts 159 Success Rate 100%

Crown of Fire's cub name came from her mother's name (Treasure of the Four Crowns) and her gorgeous fiery markings. Oneisha told of their legacy being their mother's greatest. For she bore four cubs and as her name was the Treasure of the Four Crowns this was an auspice birth. The king agreed. He named his cubs accordingly and wished them the Lady's safety while they dwelled in his lands.

So the cubs grew in the Storm Pride. They were a close litter and did everything together.

:Early Autumn:
Not long after her siblings and she were weaned, the Sentinel's Sun contracted rabies. He attempted to kill the foursome; however the litter joined together and fought him off. They didn't understand what was happening but were old enough to know to fight. It was only through their combined efforts that the four made it out alive. [Scar: Shoulder]

:Six Months:
-Hunting Practice-
Rah! Crown of Fire gave you a surprise hug by jumping out from behind you. +2% training experience!

:Seven Months:
-Pouncing Practice-
Rah! Crown of Fire gave you a surprise hug by jumping out from behind you. +6% training experience!

:Early Autumn (Eight Months):
-Climbing Practice-
Crown of Fire scrambled to the top of a rock to give baths in the sun. +2% training experience!

:Nine Months:
-Stalking Practice-
Crown of Fire thought it was nice to watch animals in their day-to-day lives. +4% training experience!

:Mid Autumn (Ten Months):
-Chasing Practice-
Wait? Where did Crown of Fire go? Oh, she chased down a squirrel for a friend. +6% training experience! [Decor: Striped Ground Squirrel]

:One Year, Nine Months:
Crown of Fire helped the Sentinel protect the remains of a lion that humans meant to desecrate. They found Sangoma Tefnut there. She, the protector of the spirits and the living alike came for Crown of Fire to apprentice her.

:One Year, Ten Months:
Sangoma Tefnut gave her two quests. She was to visit an Animal Graveyard and protect a lone lion's skull from gathering hyenas. The spirit of the Great Elephant Killer will be grateful.

"I need to prepare Ubulawu mixture for a spirit trance. Please gather 5 Marula Fruit and 5 Uvuma-Omhlope. The Spirits will reward you for your help."

:One Year, Eleven Months:
Sangoma Tefnut sent her on another question, "Bring me 10 rawhides for my ritual. You can obtain them by using your carcass as a rawhide source."

Crown of Fire went to her sisters and together they gathered the carcasses and turned them into rawhides. She gave these to Sangoma Tefnut.

"Thank you, Crown of Fire. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 3. The ancestors will grant you boons for this piety."

:Two Years, Three Months:
"Bring me a heart of fire to light the spirits' path. Take this stick, soaked in the special oil, and dip it into a fire. It will start smoking. Bring it back to me. Be brave, as spirits will protect you from burning."

Crown of Fire took the stick in her mouth carefully and went off into the wilderness in search of fire. She was unafraid, for she knew Sangoma spoke the truth. The fire would not hurt her. Her ancestors would keep her safe from its burning claws.

You dive in, setting the stick on fire. You feel flames licking your body but you come out graceful, as if the ancestors were protecting you.

She returned with the blazing stick. Tefnut said: "Thank you, Crown of Fire. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. Your ancestors will reward you for your participation. Now go, please find 5 Imphepho stems. I need them to help a dying lioness. The Ancestors insist she cannot die yet."

:Two Years, Four Months:
Another quest Sangoma had for her, "Gather 4 Dream Roots for a trance ritual. Ancestors are whispering. I need to listen."

When she returned with the dream root, the shamaness nodded. "Thank you, Crown of Fire. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. The ancestors will bless you for your quests. Now go, I need to prepare Ubulawu mixture for a spirit trance. Please gather 5 Marula Fruit and 5 Uvuma-Omhlope. The Spirits will reward you for your help."

A second time Crown of Fire returned with the herbs.

Again Sangoma replied: "Thank you, Crown of Fire. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 3. The ancestors will bless you for your assistance."

:Mid Autumn (Two Years, Five Months):
-First Heat / Initiation-
The three sisters came into First Heat together. They were sequestered from the rest of the Storm Pride, sent out to the edges of the territory and the wilds to fast and learn. Their brother, now restored to them, went with them. The four siblings saw no one save their masters. Oneisha brought them water.

Please find 5 Imphepho stems. I need them to help a dying lioness. The Ancestors insist she cannot die yet.

Thank you, The Sentinel. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

Please find 5 Imphepho stems. I need them to help a dying lioness. The Ancestors insist she cannot die yet.

Thank you, The Sentinel. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 3. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

:Two Years, Eight Months:
You have been given a new quest....

Great Ancestor Broodmother has requested that you tend to a wounded lioness in the wild.
You chew some shamanistic herbs and lick the lioness' wound, comforting her with your presence and protection. You leave after she feels better.
Thank you, The Sentinel. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 3. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

You have been given a new quest....

Please find 5 Imphepho stems. I need them to help a dying lioness. The Ancestors insist she cannot die yet.
Thank you, The Sentinel. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

:Two Years, Nine Months:
Please find 5 Imphepho stems. I need them to help a dying lioness. The Ancestors insist she cannot die yet.

Thank you, Crown of Fire. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 3. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

:Three Years:
Though their training was far from over, the shamans moved on, leaving their students on their own for the time being. Oneisha determined Crown of Fire and her siblings should rejoin the rest of the Storm Pride.

The king said, "The Grey Lady died this day."

Crown of Honor took his place as the king of the Storm Pride, and so changed his name to The Sentinal as the tradition stated.
Mystic Crown of Fire has gained a scar in her hunting endeavours!
+1x Scar: Long Right Eye has been equipped to her.

Upon seeing you, Mystic Crown of Fire mreows loudly and furiously rubs her head against your chin. "King though you may be now, you are still my brother."

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