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Shaman Crown of Snow


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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 18 real life days.
Lion Stats
11264 / 15840 (71%)
Level 13
Strength 90 Speed 80
Stamina 88 Smarts 96
Agility 98 Skill 57
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 509
Lion Currents
Age 5 years, 10 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Evasive (Neutral)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 29.487179487179%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father The Sentinel (Deceased) Mother Treasure of the Four Crowns View Full Heritage
Last Bred 5 days ago Fertility Goddess View All Cubs Bred (2)
Appearance Markings
Base Albino (Tan Skin) Slot 2: Fiery Undercover (58%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Mahogany Paws (63%) Tier 1
Slot 9: Black Ends (65%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Fiery Undershine (52%) Tier 3
Genetics Black Light Solid Common
Eyes Green
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Infernal
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Scar: Front Leg Left
Claw and Teeth Necklace
Shell Beads
Three-Eyed Raven
Common Raven [1]
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 159 Successful Hunts 159 Success Rate 100%

Nursing Cubs
This lioness is currently nursing the following cubs...
Check for Appearance.
Crown of Snow is the youngest of Treasure of the Four Crown's latest litter. She is one of three females. The Sentinel determined due to her coat that she will go to the Pride of Light when she is weaned. Crown of Snow's cub name comes from her mother's name and her snowy coat.

Oneisha told of their legacy being their mother's greatest. For she bore four cubs and as her name was the Treasure of the Four Crowns this was an auspice birth. The king agreed. He named his cubs accordingly and wished them the Lady's safety while they dwelled in his lands.

With that type of message, The Sentinel decided the litter should stay together. Crown of Snow did not go to the Pride of Light. Instead, all four cubs grew in the Storm Pride. They were a close litter and did everything together.

:Early Autumn (Five Months):
-Chasing Practice-
Crown of Snow's face was too innocent as she slid past the finish line a great deal in front of her opponent. You caught her giving something to the other cub afterwards, but both claimed that she won fair and square so there's nothing you can do. +4% training experience!

Not long after her siblings and she were weaned, the Sentinel's Sun contracted rabies. He attempted to kill the foursome; however the litter joined together and fought him off. They didn't understand what was happening but were old enough to know to fight. It was only through their combined efforts that the four made it out alive. [Scar: Front Leg Left]

:Seven Months:
-Pouncing Practice-
After refusing to do it for ten minutes by using every excuse in the books, Crown of Snow finally chased after that jerboa, surprising everyone else as she easily dodged every shrub and tree until she victoriously pounced on the creature. +4% training experience!

:Eight Months:
-Climbing Practice-
Much to your surprise, Crown of Snow didn't try to get out of the activity today, completing it with relative ease. She wouldn't tell you why, though. +5% training experience!

:Nine Months:
-Stalking Practice-
With a smile on her face, Crown of Snow paid rapt attention to the grasshopper, stepping carefully as she observed it closely, almost as if she was trying to learn its secrets. +3% training experience!

:Ten Months:
-Chasing Practice-
Crown of Snow's face was too innocent as she slid past the finish line a great deal in front of her opponent. You caught her giving something to the other cub afterwards, but both claimed that she won fair and square so there's nothing you can do. +3% training experience!

You sneak up on Crown of Snow, purposefully badly. The little one finds your crappy stalking hilarious, and is giggling while trying to pretend you've got them!

:One Year, Nine Months:
Crown of Snow had a vision. Shaman Aker spoke to her. He was the master of rituals and talking to good spirits.

You have been given a new quest....

Bring me 10 rawhides for my ritual. You can obtain them by using your carcass as a rawhide source.

:One Year, Eleven Months:
You went up to Apprentice Crown of Snow to ask how hunting practice went today. She instead told you all about a cool bird she saw on the way. You guess she doesn't really want to talk about it. Ah well.

:Two Years:
Shaman Aker gave her another quest: "Bring me 10 rawhides for my ritual. You can obtain them by using your carcass as a rawhide source."

"Thank you, Crown of Snow. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2."

"I need you to prepare an Ubulawu mixture for a spirit trance. Please gather 3 Ubhubhubhu and 3 Uqume. The spirits will reward you for your help."

"Thank you, Crown of Snow. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 3."

"Visit an Animal Graveyard and protect a lone lion's skull from gathering hyenas. The spirit of the Great Elephant Killer will be grateful."

She was scared of going to a graveyard alone, but The Sentinel said he would come with her and help her in her quest.

:Early Autumn (Two Years, Three Months):
As you two greet each other, Apprentice Crown of Snow moves away when you get too close. You try to approach her again, and she begrudgingly accepts the friendly nuzzle you offer her. She looks a bit bothered about it, though.

After the Sentinel's visit, Apprentice Crown of Snow followed him and asked him to help her with her quest. They completed it together. When they went to Shaman Aker, he told them: "Thank you, Apprentice Crown of Snow. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 3."

:Two Years, Four Months:
"Visit an Animal Graveyard and protect a lone lion's skull from gathering hyenas. The spirit of the Great Elephant Killer will be grateful."

:Mid Autumn (Two Years, Five Months):
-First Heat / Initiation-
The three sisters came into First Heat together. They were sequestered from the rest of the Storm Pride, sent out to the edges of the territory and the wilds to fast and learn. Their brother, now restored to them, went with them. The four siblings saw no one save their masters. Oneisha brought them water.

One of your great grandfathers has visited my dreams last night. Please bring me 5 samples of Buchu so I can show him your respect with a few whispers.

Thank you, The Sentinel. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

You have been given a new quest....

The Great Ancestor of the Barbary Lions has requested that you defeat a Tsavo Lion.

Crown of Snow was afraid of the massive Tsavo Lion, so she recruited her brother Crown of Honor to come with her in her quest.

Thank you, The Sentinel. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

:Two Years, Nine Months:
You have been given a new quest....

One of your great grandfathers has visited my dreams last night. Please bring me 5 samples of Buchu so I can show him your respect with a few whispers.

Thank you, Crown of Snow. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

:Three Years:
Though their training was far from over, the shamans moved on, leaving their students on their own for the time being. Oneisha determined Crown of Snow and her siblings should rejoin the rest of the Storm Pride.

You went up to Shaman Crown of Snow to ask how hunting practice went today. She instead told you all about a cool bird she saw on the way. You guess she doesn't really want to talk about it. Ah well.

When you approach to say hello today, Shaman Crown of Snow steps back and snarls, but she continues to be nice afterwards.

The king said, "The Grey Lady died this day."

Crown of Snow was with her sisters when she heard the news. They consulted the spirits throughout the day to determine the right measure of ritual and ceremony to perform for the passing of the king's Beloved Lady.

During the mid afternoon, Warrior's Dawn came to her. The sisters took a break from their preparations until the sunset. Warrior's Dawn was permitted to stay while the final preparations were made, provided he did not disturb them. He decided to serve as guard and sat with his back to the shamans.

Crown of Snow knew he was a good lion and was glad of their friendship. Though she might long for more, she was for the king. Though she had yet to be touched during any of her heats, including the one she current suffered through, she was loyal to the king. She would not go with anyone who was not with his guidance.

After all was ready for the night's rituals, her sisters went ahead to the grounds, and Crown of Snow lingered with Warrior's Dawn. The two went to the ceremonies together; however no sooner had they arrived when The Eternal Warrior approached them, his ears flat. "There is trouble. We must go."

They took their leave of Crown of Snow. She went away to prepare for the ceremonies.

When the rituals were completed and The Grey Lady officially gone to their answers, the two male lions returned. Warrior's Dawn came to be with Crown of Snow again, and her told her what had occurred. She determined to tell her brother, who would either speak to the mischievous lionesses or tell The King, if he saw fit that The Sentinel's Sun should know... for now, let it be still as the night's gloomy air.

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