Belongs to Prince - G2 -'s Former Pride

- Hunter/Rosa -

"First Hunting Party/Veteran "

Lion Stats
47898 / 53240 (89%)
Level 23
Strength 164 Speed 136
Stamina 167 Smarts 156
Agility 137 Skill 149
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 909
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 10 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Soft (Kind)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Unknown View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Very Low (40%) View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Wheaten (White Skin) Slot 7: Henna Back Hair (49%) Tier 0
Slot 9: Henna Cloud (67%) Tier 0
Genetics Golden Light Countershaded Common
Eyes Brown
Mane Type Normal
Mane Color Rosy Brown
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Hyena Lands

Scar: Hind Leg Left
Scar: Face
Scar: Long Left Eye
Scar: Long Right Eye
Scar: Short Left Eye
Scar: Side
Scar: Shoulder
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 623 Successful Hunts 604 Success Rate 96%

Scar Face from humans getting too close during a hunt.
Scar: Long Left Eye: Giraffe
Scar Long Right Eye: Bongo
Scar Hind Left Leg: Dorcas Gazelle
Scar: Side: Hirola

Passed on 12/25/22

You got stung by a wasp in your last territory patrol, but luckily Hunter/Rosa was around to gently lick the wound. You feel better after her gentle tending.
You got stung by a wasp in your last territory patrol, but luckily Hunter/Rosa was around to gently lick the wound. You feel better after her gentle tending.
You flop down for a nap, and Hunter/Rosa joins you for a good snuggle! Best cuddle buddy ever.

11/23/23 - You close your eyes and remember the shaman's guidance. You start whispering, and the whispers echo back in your mind, slowly turning into newly formed words from the ancestors. You receive - Hunter/Rosa -'s blessing; after which the spirits fade away. (+60% Impression)

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