"Now then, Riolo, you see how these hoof-prints are spaced differently here? That indicates that this cow has a limp, she is probably injured.. Riolo! are you paying attention?!" Serenity huffed in irritation, her tail lashing to-and-fro.
The young king Riolo was currently elbows deep in a mound of dirt and twigs, looking for beetle larvae no doubt, and certainly not paying attention to Serenity's tracking lessons.
"Hm? Oh, yea I heard you Serenity.. something, something, zebra tracks!" Riolo chirped with a wide cub-like grin.
Serenity was a mouse whisker away from losing her temper, but took a shaky deep breath to try to regain control of her tongue.
"Riolo," Serenity started, using up the last of her strained patience, "We are actually looking at wildebeest tracks. It's important you learn how to recognize these things so you can provide your huntresses with valuable data. If you're distracted by.. grubs," Serenity thwacks away a larvae Riolo had his gaze locked on, "then you wont be able to help your lionesses succeed in their hunts. Then the whole pride will starve because of YOUR incompetence! The only thing worse than an evil, tyrannical King is a neglectful, incompetent one! That's not what you want to be known for, is it?!"
Riolo was looking down at his paws, shuffling them awkward and shaking his head solemnly. What a shameful sight, Serenity thought to herself. A king being scolded by one of his lionesses as if she were his own mother. She sighed.
"Alright then. Let's try again up near the river bank, we'll see if you can remember anything I taught you in the last 20 minutes..."
Serenity's daughters have become fine young lionesses and Kamali has already left the pride to find a fortune of her own. Willow is still around, but is looking like she is planning to leave soon as well. Serenity is proud that her babies made it to adulthood, but is a bit crestfallen that it's unlikely she'll ever see them again once they go. However, she is feeling an estrus approaching despite her advancing age. It seems she will become a mother once again, but this time to Riolo's cubs.
Riolo was unsure how to feel about Serenity's advancements upon him. Sure, he's bred many a female at this point on his life, but he felt differently about the older lioness. All this time she had been acting as a mentor to him and the pride, a universal mother figure. But Riolo's grown up now. His frame has bulked up and his mane has become thick and silky. Serenity doesn't scold him like she used to and instead shows proper respect for him. Awkward emotions aside, Riolo was quite excited for their cubs arrival, he may even favor them above the others.