My Custom Decorations

Below are a list of custom decorations you have made. You can upload additional versions of your decors here, and purchase additional copies.

For Automatic Sales, you can set a GB or a SB price (or both) that you want to allow people to purchase your decors for. They will be able to automatically purchase your decor from the custom decor viewer for the price set, plus the additional 3 GB copy cost, though the 3 GB will not go to you. To make it so this is not possible, simply leave the prices set to 0 for both options. You do not need to add 3 GB into the price as the system will do that automatically. Whatever price you set is what you will receive when the decor is purchased. Please note that by setting both a GB and a SB price, it means a user can purchase in either SB or GB, not a combined SB/GB price.

Name Versions Layer Status Buy Copy

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