(K-001) Mkali's Den

Hi! I'm a former Howrse player and TLKFAA member and I’m loving playing Lioden so far!

I’m a Free to Play, “Hard Mode” account that breeds only clean lions! I also have a few extra challenges in place!
Account Rules:
  • Free to Play (buying GB using real-life money is prohibited)
  • Breeding "clean" lions only!
  • [Hard Mode] I can only king a lion who is "Home Grown"

My pride is split into two sections:
1. "Home Grown"

Appearance changing and breeding my non-chased (“N-CH”) NCLs (and their subsequent cubs) with event studs and my kings (provided there is no inbreeding) with the goal of producing rare and pretty lions by myself! This helps me keep track of the bases, markings and mutations that I have managed to breed and apply without any outside help.

As stated, I can only king a lion who is “Home Grown”.
2. "Outsourced"

This section includes the chased NCLs I find and Giving Tree cubs/adolescents I adopt, as well as their subsequent cubs.

I may breed these lions to clean studs, or to my own king (provided there is no inbreeding), though the offspring bred cannot be kinged.

Most of the lions in this section will be put up for sale, used for Reverse Breeding, or studded to other people's lions to ensure their line continues. I often sell the especially pretty or rare chased NCLs I find to help with my own "Home Grown" breeding projects.

I am also allowed to use any "Outsourced" cubs bred for Gorilla Enclave fodder.

Pending Goals
  • Breed a "Home Grown" lion with a Cassis Base
  • Breed a "Home Grown" lion with a Senegal Base
  • Breed a “Home Grown” lion with a Combo base
  • Breed a 1st Generation Tigon
  • Breed a 1st Generation Leopon
  • Breed a 1st Generation Jaglion
  • Purchase and use a Total Shuffle
  • Finish current appearance project for (M-001) Mkali
  • Breed a mighty beetle army!

Completed Goals
  • Breed a "Home Grown" lion with a Rare Base

    Completed on 19/08/24 with a female Latte (At that point known as "Mocha") based cub [(F-046) Mocha!] born from a Non-Chased ("Home Grown") G1 NCL [(F-019) Brown Mask] and an August Event Stud.

  • (1) Breed a "Home Grown" lion with a Special Base + (2) Have a lion that was given a special base by using an applicator pass their base onto one of their cubs

    Both completed on 20/09/24 with a female Nautilus based cub [(F-184) Latte Art] born to a "Home Grown" lioness [(F-046) Mocha!] and my first king [(M-001) Mkali]. This was Mocha's first heat and had a 2% chance to occur due to her having a Rare (Latte) base!
  • Breed a lion with any Piebald Mutation

    Completed on 26/08/24 with an "Outsourced" female Piebald Tovero cub [(F-097) Piebald Tovero!] born to a G1 Chased ("Outsourced") NCL [(F-058) Sarakasi] and a clean G3 Stud [Blossom].
  • Breed a lion with a rosette marking using parents who have no rosettes

    Completed on 19/09/24 with a male cub born to my first king [(M-001) Mkali] and a Non-Chased ("Home Grown") NCL [(F-018) Apricot] with a hidden Seal Heavy Rosette on Slot 17.

  • Rolled an RMA exclusive marking (2/1)

  • Rolled a Tier 2 (Raffle Lioness) Marking (1/1)
  • Claimed a lioness who kept her pose (8/1)
  • Claimed a lioness with Cotton Root Bark Applied (?/1)

Additional Notes:
  • In general, I tend to favour more natural looking lions, though I am a big sucker for anything that is pink or purple coloured, so in the future I may end up having a few pink and purple lions! I definitely see myself doing a pink king project one day!

  • Similarly, I'm personally not too big of a fan of adding lots of decor to my lions. I like being able to see their base designs fairly well without them being too obscured by decor. Who knows though, this may change! But for now any decor you do see on my lions will probably be minimal.

  • I try to apply each scar that a lion or lioness has earned to them for individual lion lore purposes. Though sometimes I may opt to not apply a scar, usually if it is one of my favourite lions and I don't want them looking too beaten up. Other times I simply forget to apply them!

  • I tend to write a lot of lore for some of my favourite lions, so if you read any of it then you have my thanks!

Prince of the Savannah (K-001) Mkali
Level: 28 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 1627 Territory: 66
Lionesses: 65 Beetle Slots: 14 / 18
Cubs: 37 / 330 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: (M-006) Ginger Pariah |G2|5M|
(M-050) Handsome Man
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There is 1 lion with mutations in (K-001) Mkali's pride.

(K-001) Mkali's Player
Member ID #487557
Selkid Mist
Joined: 2024-08-11 15:41:22 Last Active: 2025-01-31 14:45:01

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5 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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(K-001) Mkali's Recent Allies
Scorpion King
played by Daenerys Stormborn(fulletherea
Level 1 - 10 lionesses - 8 cubs
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(SM-001) Wepesi
played by Selkid Fog
Level 9 - 41 lionesses - 36 cubs
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played by Iggy [G1 Xanthic]
Level 26 - 130 lionesses - 186 cubs
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(K-001) Mkali's Clan Memberships
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