Posted by More Interactive Exploring! (20+ Supports!)

Quwilly (#36052)

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Posted on
2014-06-14 12:49:43
I was thinking and if exploring was more interactive, maybe it would be a bit more interesting! Maybe things that would make it like a point and click adventure. I'm not much of a game designer myself, but if some of you guys are, maybe you could give me some more ideas and I'll add them to this post as they're added.


Path ChoosingIt's pretty self explanatory, but it could be like a luck thing. One path would lead you to an item or beetles, and another could lead to an enemy or just nothing at all. Maybe it could even lead you to an area that you've already accessed.
More OptionsThings like cubs, hornbills, and dung would have more options.
Scent FollowingYou'd be able to pick up scents and follow them! Lionesses in heat, prey, and other things you'd be able to track down and claim or your own, if you don't loose the scent.

This suggestion has 28 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 19/06/14 by Quwilly (#36052)

Sootsprite (#28010)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2014-06-17 13:18:46
I support because come on , lions wouldn't just walk straight pffft hellooooooo they'd be like :


I have a few ideas for this . What if theres two paths and a sortve wander option that leads you into the brush ? Paths one and two being varied versions of eachother and then the wander option would lead to more NPCs and such which would be awesome for those trying to level up in some field or make some SB since NPC battles give currency when won . Though it could also lead to the lion being attacked by things and losing hunger and stuff so that way theres still a negative route for it and it isnt all fun and gain .
Things that could happen :
-jumped by a trio of hyenas
-attacked by a male rhino
-attacked by a bull elephant protecting its herd

These wouldnt be battles, they'd be definite run ins where you'd have a couple options, one losing energy and hunger, and another where you'd simply be chased off . They'd be random of course .
As for more options for current NPCs Id like to see the males be able to just sit and play with certain ones or regarding the cub I think he should be able to 'mentor' it and gain something from it or just have a cute little remark after .

I like this idea c:

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Quwilly (#36052)

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Posted on
2014-06-19 05:15:32
Thank you all for the ideas! Please try to keep the thread friendly and orderly!

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Sootsprite (#28010)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2014-06-19 05:26:53
No problem :D I get bored sometimes in explore lol

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