Posted by Flood NPC's and the like

KimeraMayneri (#8985)

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Posted on
2014-06-14 13:23:04
I have a few ideas on new flood encounters as well as findales upon chance. Since it's late at the moment, I'm going to type them out for now and sketch them out tomorrow. Feed back is ENCOURAGED!

Event 1: Drowning tourist

In the rush of the current going towards an unforgiving river, you spot a jeep in the water. Clinging to it, you see a rather frazzled looking man with what seems to be an injured leg. He looks upon you in terror, now between a rock and a hard place. Options are -
A. Attempt a rescue
B. Take chance
C. Leave it be

A. The human all but messes himself as your massive form swims toward him. He is expecting death, only to be presently surprised as you grab his colorful shirt and pull him with all your strength to the water's edge. Just as you do, a log crashes into the jeep, destroying it and sending its bits down the river. As you plop the human boy on the sand, your eyes lock for a moment, as man and beast have a moment of equal ground. You are long gone when help arrives, but the strange man tells of your favor for years to come. Get DB + Karma

B. Worrying more about you're pride's hunger than a strange human's life, you tread out to the jeep, lip tucked in malice. The man never sees you coming as you sink you're teeth into his leg. In desperation, he punches and scratches at your face. Suddenly, you both look the same way as a log rushed at you. Before either could move, you are both smacked harshly, destroying the jeep and sending you and the human flying further out into the current. After a savage watery battle, you emerge on either side of the river, him on one side bleeding immensely and you on the other, injured but with your prize: a leg. Get Human leg - karma. Chance of scar maybe (I have an idea for one but not 100%)

C. NOT MY JOB! You swish your tail and leave as a crash happens behind you. You don't even look back

This is one idea. I'll doodle the art of enough folks like it

This suggestion has 14 supports and 0 NO supports.

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OneTrueTeam (#30941)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2014-06-16 11:51:33

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