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Posted by | Unsellable NCLs |
![]() Pasha (#5512) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-06-22 07:45:29 |
An idea popped into my head recently and I think it might help some aspects of the economy. What if NCL lionesses were treated as "foundation" breeders and couldn't be put in the TC or perhaps couldn't even be transferred? This would help a variety of things... •It would encourage new players to buy lionesses instead of claiming •It would encourage those players to either become sentimentally attached to NCLs or chase them, with no in-between. And they would have some limitations on being able to breed them (no sending them for "old-fashioned studding") •It would cut the number of NCLs in the trading center by newbies that have labels like "weird looking siamese lionesses!" and then you click on it and it has black gradient or something n.n. And they wouldn't have to go through the frustration of trying to sell lions that we all know are pretty much unsellable. •"Common" markings like leg stripes could possibly become a bit more rare, I don't know. Any thoughts...? I know this is not a silver bullet or anything, I just have not seen it brought up before. And if there were some other advantage for NCLs implemented later (like easier stat gains) things could get even more interesting in terms of strategy. |
WolvesRock7🌈 (#36674)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 01:48:12 |
No. If NCLs couldn't be transferred, how would I tell people their inboxes are full? ![]() |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 01:52:46 |
The only problem I see is this line: •It would encourage new players to buy lionesses instead of claiming The regular gameplay says that you can claim lionesses from which you can start your pride with. This is the original setting. Trading is a secondary choice but the newbies should not be limited and made dependent on older players who have 'better' lions. They should be encouraged to do all this on their own first. After all, claiming their first lions and starting their own line from scratch is a whole new exciting adventure. They should be encouraged to have this adventure. And also, as people expressed it before me, some people like transferring their lions around. ![]() Edited on 07/07/14 by Axel (#6627) |
Jynn (#27606)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 01:53:53 |
I don't support. I don't buy lions, and I don't sell my cubs, I use only NCLs or customs I make in the Oasis, but I use my 2nd account for Storage and I'd want to still be able to swap them between accounts As for actually having them be tradeable in the actual TC, I have no opinion. Like I said, I don't buy lions and I don't sell lions, so that wouldn't affect me at all =P EDIT: Good point Axel! I agree, players should not be forced to buy lions. If they want to claim, they should claim. That's the base level of the game So if they'd still be transferable, my objections would be solved lol ![]() Edited on 07/07/14 by Jynn (#27606) |
PlaguedRuby (#26260)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 01:55:18 |
They aren't really starting their pride if they are just claiming to sell, Axel. If they planned on keeping the NCL in the first place I don't see why not being able to sell them should be a problem. ![]() |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 02:00:39 |
PlaguedRuby By not being able to do as they see fit with their lions, they are limited. In order to gain freedom of transfer and trade what they have, they will need to buy lions which can be traded and transferred. Just the knowledge of being limited is enough to push them to do something. Transferring from one account to the other might be also vital for gameplay. Besides, it isnt really a problem on the market. I dont see how NCL sales can be a problem anyway. Everything has its own demand. High statted and quality lions will always sell better. Those who are looking for NCLs specifically will also get what they want. Those who are selling high quality lions will not see their own sales declining. ![]() |
Pasha (#5512)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 02:03:25 |
I see what you mean, Axel, and I do think that claiming NCLs is more fun than buying lions, ultimately. That's why I wish there was more to getting lionesses than just buying/selling :S I had some ideas about this almost a year ago but didn't really get any bites. ![]() |
PlaguedRuby (#26260)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 02:14:53 |
Axel It isn't a problem on the market? I usually always see someone trying to sell NCL's for next to nothing. They ultimately will either not sell or sell very cheaply due to event marks. I never commented about the transferring though. I don't really know how I feel about it. I still don't like some people claiming NCL's that barely anyone if anyone wants and trying to sell them. It fills the market with more unwanted lions nobody wants, quite frankly. I mean, I might be more against this idea if NCL's were more desirable/looked a little more eye pleasing (my personal opinion) and they all come with what, 20 stats and a max of 3 marks? ![]() |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 07:22:13 |
And what is the problem with people trying to sell something that will not sell? They either will try stubbornly without success or realize that it doesnt work. No need to lock NCLs on the account because of that. If people dont buy anyone's cubs because of NCLs flooding the market and buying them instead, then maybe they should work on the quality of the cubs. NCLs dont bother the market all too much. If at all. ![]() |
Jynn (#27606)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 12:30:51 |
Yea, I don't see how it's really effecting the TC that much. So they sit there and never sell. Yes, it's a lot of lions to wade through to find what you want, but it's not like you're forced to buy the NCLs. Just seems that locking NCLs to accounts to make it more convenient and easier to buy other lions off the TC is the wrong way to go about it. You'd [general you] be limiting new players, and those who actually like to buy NCLs, just so that you [general you] don't have so many lions to browse through. *shrug* just doesn't seem like a good reason to me ![]() |
Pasha (#5512)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 13:16:47 |
If you're saying the flood of NCLs isn't affecting the cub market/TC, then what is? I think keeping your sales visible and attractive to users is a huge problem on this site. Not everyone has time to create/maintain a sales thread, and I'm sure there are potential buyers who don't even visit the forums much. And nobody is "forcing" people to buy lions. Like I said before, claiming is a lot more fun. But it should yield lionesses that are either of sentimental value or not (and those should be chased), not what newbies think is a source of income. ![]() |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-07-07 16:31:27 |
Pasha, if you dont create a sales thread whih you can bump, then of course your trade will be flooded down by everything put up for sale afterwards. That people dont have the time to put up sales and advertising threads is not the fault of NCLs or newbies. NCLs no more affect economy now that their heat cooldown is 8 days after claiming. Newbies, players will learn with time that NCLs will not sell. But the game should keep encouraging new players to claim and start their pride from scratch which is more fun, than limiting the base of their pride from trade or transfer in order to aid lion sales. Lion sales are good if you want to start with advantage, or if you want high statted or good looking lions in your pride, but it should not be necessary to do so. I can add new blood by claiming lionesses. I can get good looking lionesses by claiming. And just the knowledge that I am limited in what I can do with them would push me away from doing this. To get freedom, I have to buy a lion and not claim. ![]() |
Isabella Lena (#49545)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-31 22:08:26 |
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