Posted by Separate inbox for automated messages?

Echo (#31746)

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Posted on
2014-07-05 02:23:22
Basically, the idea is to have two separate inboxes, or an option in our inbox to view PMs and system messages separately (something like "show system messages only" and "show user messages only"). Automated messages are usually something we want to delete right after seeing them, having them mixed with regular PMs makes it difficult to delete them in bunches and might result in accidentally deleting an important PM, not to mention how difficult it is to find an old message in this stack of "Your have lions that might leave!" and such messages. .3.;
If the messages were sorted into separate inboxes each could have a 100 messages limit. If the PM inbox gets full we couldn't receive anymore PMs, just as it is now, and if the system inbox gets full, the oldest messages would either get automatically deleted, or they would have expiry dates and there would be no need for a limit on that inbox.

If that's not an option, a separate box for manually saved messages would do, so that we can move the important PMs in there without having to worry about accidentally deleting them when clearing the inbox.

Other suggestions:
- None for now!

Arguments against:

~ 100 messages might be too little for some people - It was just an example. It could be 200 for PMs and a smaller limit/expiry date for system messages.

~ It's not needed and would be too much of a bother for the programmers - Well, some people might need it, and again, it would be enough if it was just a simple filter to show either type of messages. I believe the messages already have the sender specified, so they could be sorted based on that.

This suggestion has 13 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 05/07/14 by Echo (#31746)

shaggy [g1 lilac] (#32996)

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Posted on
2014-07-05 02:32:12
Yay, first support!

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)(ROM) (#36415)

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Posted on
2014-07-05 02:48:18
support XD

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Heresy (#31694)

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Posted on
2014-07-05 02:49:00
I support you with whatever you want, darling. ;w;

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Edited on 05/07/14 by Heresy (#31694)

Mask {|Returned from
Hiatus|} (#18537)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-05 03:01:46
No support.

Having a 100 message limit for the main inbox would be even more difficult to keep than the current 200 message limit. Think about it - Do you really need a whole other inbox for system messages? Deleting messages such as "You have lions that might leave!" is quite simple. Just check the first box of your stack of messages, as it is usually the first message you have.
For people who sell lions, art, etc., regularly, they need all the space they can get. 100 isn't going to cut it, if you realize how many cubs and such they have to keep track of. Not to mention that adding another inbox would be more work for the admins, work that they really don't need to do. It's already difficult enough to delete almost 200 pages of 40 messages each to get under the limit. I don't even sell lions that commonly, yet I have roughly almost a hundred messages in my inbox, even with all system messages deleted.
All it takes is a little patience to go through and delete the system messages. Besides, you really don't get that many system messages a day, unless your lionesses are giving birth all in one day, or if people are actively offering on your trades.

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Echo (#31746)

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Posted on
2014-07-05 04:49:47
I get your point, but while you might be this organised, some people let the system messages pile up easily. There's not even a "delete" button when you view a message, and after seeing it most people just follow the link or go off to another tab, not caring to delete it. Having them separate would make things much easier for everyone.
100 messages was just an example. It could be 200 messages and the system messages would simply expire or something like that.

And frankly, I don't think it would be that hard to add a "system messages" tab into the inbox and make the system messages go there, if things such as the sent messages folder have already been coded. Or assign some kind of variable to the messages and implement a filter system that would allow for seeing them separately. I mean, we can search trades based on variables (gender, level, buyout price, etc), a single filter based on sender/a new boolean variable shouldn't be too complicated, right?

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Edited on 05/07/14 by Echo (#31746)

Mask {|Returned from
Hiatus|} (#18537)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-05 05:16:13
This is not really about how organized you are, but more about how willing you are to delete messages without letting them build up. There's already a suggestion for deleting a message after while reading it, as well. I honestly think they'll choose to implement that suggestion before they add a second folder for system messages.
It would also to be easier to just delete system messages if they did implement the folder for such messages, so there wouldn't really be need to let them expire on their own, unless players are too busy to be bothered by taking a few seconds and check the "Check All" box and hit "Delete Checked".

As for your second point, we players wouldn't actually have any idea how much work goes into making separate folders in your inbox. Like I said before, having a separate folder for system messages would be unnecessary if the admins choose to implement the option to delete a message while reading it.
The filter is an interesting concept. I'm guessing the variable would be the sender of the message. Where would the system messages go? Would it be like a separated portion of the Inbox?

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Echo (#31746)

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Posted on
2014-07-05 09:02:50
I guess you're right. Still, I find it difficult to delete the messages immediately and end up having few pages of system messages mixed with PMs. ^^;
A deleting option like that would be great. Being able to delete a whole page of automated messages all at once would make things even easier, but that surely would do, so I'll be looking forward to it.
It was just a thought, wasn't really about users' convenience, more about the system messages being able to go over the limit and wasting space while being forever stuck on dead accounts and such.

Can't oppose that, since I'm not even a programmer. I am just guessing that they already have most of the codes needed for that.
I guess the filter would be better than two inboxes, actually. Maybe it could allow for searching by player IDs? And leaving the ID input box empty would search for the system messages or something like that? Would come in handy when looking for messages from a specific user and also allow for deleting all automated messages at once.

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