Posted by Hunter Slots?

Krazoa (#7840)

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Posted on
2013-07-06 22:43:41
Forgive me if this has already been suggested.

I've noticed that we can only hunt with 5 lioness' at a time. Well... we expand our territory and gain more lioness' so how about allowing us at some point to send out 10 on a hunt?

Obviously 10 would be the limit but it would show strength of the pride having so many females hunt. Sort of like a super pride, since that is what a pride of 30 lions would be classed as.

In other words my suggestion is to allow for hunting slots, payable with either SB or GB depending on how many you have. Like the first 2 buyable slots are SB but the slots later on are GB?

I just think it would be nice to be able to send a lot of lioness' if we have a big pride C: The reason I say 10 is the limit is because you wouldn't really see more than 10 go out on a hunt at once. *watches too many animal programs XD*

Sooo what do you say? Do you support me ^^?

EDIT// I'm not talking about how many times an indivdual lioness can go hunting. I'm referring to how MANY lioness' can go hunting C: so instead of 5 going hunting you'd have a max of 10 so that would mean 10 chances of food C:

This suggestion has 24 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 07/07/13 by Krazoa (#7840)

Peach2milk (#4673)

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Posted on
2013-07-06 23:26:26
Krazo go check it seems to have been uped to 10 :-)

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Krazoa (#7840)

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Posted on
2013-07-07 00:40:38
CheetahChelly, that isn't what I'm on about XD but I have noticed that C: I updated so that it hopefully makes a bit more sense C:

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RoosterHawk (#14795)

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Posted on
2013-07-07 03:14:34
I'm in support of this idea, I believe someone else suggested it once already but I can't remember what thread lol
It should def cost something to have the slots added. Maybe the new hunting update could be utilized as well, along with having the 10 hunt limit on each lioness, they could give the option to buy another hunting slot for like 25, 50, 75, 100 and finally 150SB. For each one added. Then you could use those lioness for their ten hunts that they have available and after that you have to pay 1GB to reset the availability of those 5 slots AND you still have to pay the SB to use them.

It would make it so you could get those slots and yet it wouldn't be available to reuse until the next day unless you have GB.

Ugh I feel so confusing with my words I hope the idea was clear enough lol

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DragonSage (#4453)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2013-07-07 03:16:38
It was one of the suggestions in the Girls and Hunting thread. Personally I think there should be a max of 4 parties (one every 15 minutes) and a 45 minute cooldown for the lionesses sent out.

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RoosterHawk (#14795)

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Posted on
2013-07-07 03:28:49
4 parties with 5 in each? That seems a bit excessive... maybe if it was dependent on your level? Like if you're level 1-3 only one party. Level 3-6 two, ect... so you'd have even more reason to level your male.
Because once you have your breeding lionesses and a good bit of territory, leveling your guy is only a matter of stats for your cubs which for some isn't even important.

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DragonSage (#4453)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2013-07-07 03:30:57
I imagine you wouldn't get four parties for free; you'd have to unlock additional ones with SB or GB.

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