Posted by "You Have Messages Waiting" Suggestion

GamingGal (#18503)

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Posted on
2014-07-05 15:09:43
So, we all know an inbox cap was just added. The problem with this is full inboxs. When the inboxs are full, the person can no longer receive messages, which makes contacting people very difficult. I've seen users resorting to posting topics to reach whoever they can't message.

I have a solution to this.

On a site I used to be active on, when your inbox was full you could still receive messages, but you wouldn't be able to get them until you made space. Instead, there would be a text displayed saying:

"You have 3 messages waiting. Clear some space to receive them."

Or something along those lines. We should have something like this implemented. It would help a lot.

This suggestion has 42 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Kiwi (#28328)

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Posted on
2014-07-05 15:11:30
YES YES YES!! I support all the way!! 100%! I've had so many people that I can't get up with because of this!!

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LigerAlishton (#37088)

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Posted on
2014-07-05 15:12:17
Love the idea!!

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Vanii [Main] (#36229)

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Posted on
2014-07-05 15:13:23
Agreed!!!!!! Trying to contact someone about recent trades is hard if their inbox is full :(

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Cryptika (#6836)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-05 15:16:44
Absolutely! Great idea. :)
Although we do have that bar at the top of the inbox that tells us how full it is...

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2014-07-05 18:55:58
But..doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of the new update to get rid of these extra messages?
I assume that if if comes up with "You have X amount of messages waiting" then they are still stored in the system, taking up valuable space?
Having been on sites with a message limit before I think we just need some time to adjust and learn to better manage our messages ^^

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GamingGal (#18503)

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Posted on
2014-07-06 08:41:14
This is true......but perhaps for each message we get sent over our limit, we get an in-game message telling us we have messages waiting? I know that time will probably help adjust, but it seems kinda weird to not be able to contact someone at all if they're inbox is full.

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Bailey (#8529)

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Posted on
2014-07-08 17:10:27
I support, mostly because I've seen other players that have had that issue, and have become quite upset about it(though I have not experienced it yet, thankfully)

I just have to ask...what the heck is so important to have 200 messages?! o.o I understand people who talk to a lot of people, art things, family things, ect...but I nearly have an anxiety attack if I manage to go onto page 2 o.o

200 messages is just so many x.x

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