Posted by Dynamic Den Backgrounds

Ari {WLT} {LAWS} (#37314)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-07 10:11:24
Some of these things have to be implemented or at least enabled on Lioden's end, and I think I may not be the only one who wants some of these things. Thus, the suggestions.

I'd like to be able to have dynamic site background images that change with the seasons and day/night cycles. The main Lioden background images already do this, but I'd really like to have a custom one that does the same thing, without having to change the code every few hours to make it happen.

Other suggestions I've separated from my original lump of them are:
Better Den Customization
Lioness Thumbnails
Linkable Lion Images
Board Reply Notifications
Hoard Sorting

I will create images to display my meaning for the customization options I have in mind. I can't guarantee when I will have those images, as I have a lot of work to do, but I will put them up here when I do finish them.

Please comment if you have anything to add or suggest.

This suggestion has 37 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/07/14 by Ari {WLT} {LAWS} (#37314)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-07-16 16:55:43
The default image of Lioden lions does not change in daytime and seasons. Neither do the Monkey Business decorations. The only decorations that change are the Dynamic backgrounds found in the Oasis. This is what makes them more valuable than those in the Monkey Business and that is what people like on them.

Sadly a custom dynamic background will not happen, due to the rules stating that you cannot make custom backgrounds on Lioden. You can read the rules of Custom Decors here.

Thus, I am afraid I cannot support this.

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Edited on 16/07/14 by Axel (#6627)

Ari {WLT} {LAWS} (#37314)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-17 00:36:11

I think you misunderstand. I'm not talking about the decor backgrounds. I mean the site background, which many people change in their dens and branches already. It hasn't been changing this month since the celestial event revolves around the stars, so the default site background is the lions chasing the boks at night with the meteor shower. I just want to be able to make the background in my den change as lioden changes from day to night. So, if I made white lions chasing boks in the day and white lions chasing boks at night, the den background would cycle as Lioden cycles from day to night. To do this with HTML or CSS would require the code to be changed to point to a different background whenever you want the different background image to be displayed. That would be every few hours. I just want it to be nifty and subtle.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-07-17 00:59:00
Ooooh. Then you need to be more specific. It is very easy to misunderstand. You mean the banner and not custom backgrounds.

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Chimp.lad (#90345)

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Posted on
2016-05-15 23:06:09
No way it would be free. Someone would try to get dosh out of this amazing idea

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