-LOCKED - Achievements and Apedemaks
Posted on 2014-07-24 22:58:39

Lioden welcomes Achievements!

Achievements will track your progress from right now - they will not take your history on Lioden into consideration (otherwise most of you would've earned all the achievements already - and that's just not fun :P).

A couple of achievements may seem delayed, but I assure you that you will receive them. If you don't get an achievement for something you think you've completed, please PM Abbey (#1) and she will try to see if there's any reason you didn't get it - or if there's a bug!

First Time achievements will be awarded to all members when the new feature settles down - it'll lag out the site otherwise ;)

There are a bunch of "secret" achievements that you will only find if you perform certain actions on the game. These are called "Challenger" achievements.

We will be adding more and more achievements over time, so we are definitely not stopping here!

You can find the links to them when they pop out, or on the side bar, under your normal progress bars.

Please Note: A couple of achievements have been disabled as they do not work correctly right now.


Special Decor - Apedemak

Remember the deal with Wraith Decor being exclusively available on Haloween's day for GB? Well, we heard your plead for Apedemak being a decor and to celebrate you unlocking all the tiers, we will make him buyable in Oasis for WHOLE WEEK! It's a special deal, as he's ... very special too. And weird.

(20 uses)


We will disable him on next friday update

Raffle Lioness

Congrats Xaro (#25732) for impressing the ladyyyyy! Enjoy your cocoa maned lioness.
Go enjoy new Sepia maned Special Lioness in Explore: Special Lioness, or under news posts list in NEWS!

Booped bug
- Tackweed shouldn't make your lioness infertile anymore or go into negative %. PM Xylax (#4) to have your lioness fixed if she's bugged!

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Edited on 25/07/14 by Abbey (#1)

Bloodevolver (#2477)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-07-30 17:48:25
This is cool.

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Edited on 31/07/14 by Poppi [L.A.W.S] [PALS] (STL) (#2477)

Skye's Side (#27236)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-07-31 10:52:28
Oh dear - when you equip Apedemak to cubs, it looks like he's about to bite them! D8

*slaps Apedemak to keep away from cubs*

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