Posted by Sacred well?

Gremlin (#9947)

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Posted on
2014-07-26 00:14:08
So I was thinking what if we had some sacred really really old well added to lioden? :3


Like you can throw in sb for good luck for such things as

- breeding luck 1: cub receives most genes from father
- breeding luck 2: cub recieve most genes from mother
- LIONNESS luck: better chances at claiming a NCL
- hunting luck: more succsess ful big hunts
- luck of fighting: Luck of winning NPC battles

Like how it would be is it would show a pictur of a well and below it wit will ask you what your wishing for you select one of the 5

The more sb you throw in the well the more luck of your choice/wish

Like let's say I throw in 100sb in for claiming a NCL, Theres 10% more chance to claim it, now if i put in 500sb the chance would go to 35% or how ever the staff think it should go.

Idk I think it would be cool :3 somthing neet, and another way people can spend there sb

Another added, is a user throws in 2gb what ever they wish is a garrentee maybe?

Like for fighting, you will win no matter what the next five NPC battles after that your luck is reset

And hunting if you toss 2gb in you get like 3x 6use food pieces for 5 hunts, after that luck is reset :3

Somthing like that anyways,

Just a neat idea and another way to spend sb/gb :3!

This suggestion has 74 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/07/14 by Lord Hatties (#9947)

ce'nedra (#4490)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:02:33
No support in general. Just don't like the idea of a "magic well". Eh.

Only thing you may want to clarify, is the luck stuff should NOT affect raffle lionesses. That is totally unfair to those with lower funds.

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Gremlin (#9947)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:08:04
I said NCL lioness didn't I I never said anything about a raffle nor would I think staff would alow that

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