Posted by Superior Aging Stone Idea

Bynks (#16043)

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Posted on
2013-08-06 03:35:07
Okay, so I'm throwing this out there because I think I may not be the only one feeling this way. You have the right express your dislike for this idea, but please be respectful if you do so and say exactly why you do not like it. :)

Superior Aging Stone:
Ages your lioness/lion to 2 years of age. Automatic breeding cool down placed on lionesses at use.

Cost: 4-5 GB (since the regular aging stone is 2 GB)

I really don't like the idea that my adols and cubs are pretty much useless to me right now. I know I could age them to adols and cut back on their grow up time as cubs, but I can't do anything with them really, so I have no reason to buy the aging stone. Some love it, I know, and if you don't mind waiting that long for them to grow up, that's great.

However, I would like the option to skip the adol stage all together and get to training my lionesses faster. This would allow that to happen, but it would also prevent you from automatically being able to breed her right off that bat. She would have an automatic 20 day cool down placed on her once you use the stone. Males can use it too but there is no real need for a cool down as you can replace your male early already if you pay the retire early fee.

I think this would be fair considering it would give you the opportunity to train earlier so you can actually do something with those cubs or adols you have.

Keep in mind there is a post about allowing adols to train being shown support in this category. l support that as well, but I think this would be a nice option to have if you just want to skip the adol stage completely, as I do for certain cubs.

If anyone has any tweaks that could make this better (not making something like this for SB, sorry but it's too much of a boost to be an SB item), please feel free to post them. :)

This suggestion has 51 supports and 4 NO supports.

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ChloeSkye (#6052)

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Posted on
2013-08-17 16:54:34
Support fully!!! I love this idea :)

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Pasha (#5512)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-08-30 17:14:42
Support! Maybe instead of a new item you could just be able to use the aging stone twice though :P

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Bynks (#16043)

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Posted on
2013-08-31 15:01:13
Pasha, do you mean buy one stone and use it twice? Or buy two stones and then use them one after the other? Because if you are going to buy two stones they should probably just be separate items anyway. Just my thoughts on that one though. :)

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Moon-Soul Pastel G3
Corrupted (#205430)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2020-07-07 05:56:54
Whoa there I'm having a hard time comprehending.

The current system is:
Cub born (0 months)
Aging Stone from Oasis (age to 1 year, adol)
Aging Crystal from Monkey Business (age to 1 yr 10 months, ages up on rollover)

Are you prosing the aging crystal ages the adol directly into a lioness?

I don't see how this suggestion is different from the aging crystal, which only costs 500 sb.

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ColdFang (#185778)

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Posted on
2020-08-16 09:21:54
I absolutely love this idea! I would want it so I could instantly figure out my cub´s adult mutation! The wait bothers me so much, only because I´m an impatient person.

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the one who praises
Orange (#198713)

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Posted on
2020-08-18 03:06:36
I think this is old suggestion from before aging crystal was added, can't know surely as I am still newish here, but would make sense why this suggestions seems bit off

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StarCrossed (#35432)

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Posted on
2020-08-18 03:26:34
Yes, this is an old suggestion from 2013. It's basically invalid now as we have the two aging options to buy, and adols can be trained, which was another point raised

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