Posted by Merging Eye Colored Offspring!

Walnut (#2326)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2013-08-28 15:28:23
My idea is that there should be a change (however small) that when two different eye colored lions breed their offspring may have a mix of their parents' eye color.
Red x Blue = Purple
Red x White = Pink
Red x Black = Blood color?
Red x Green = Greenish-grey yellow

Anyways... My point being that in humans and other animals, children/offspring can inherit a mix of eye colors from their parents. I.E. I have hazel eyes that have brown from my father and green from my mother.

This suggestion has 55 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Snark (#10774)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-08-31 05:25:39
no support. it just isn't realistic. (not that lioden is all that realistic, we have blue lions with red eyes) but it just doesn't really fit with the rest of the site I think. idk i'm bad at explaining

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MaeBae (#8161)

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Posted on
2013-09-16 06:46:10
If it was only 5% chance MAY?BE 10 at most, I support.

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Tau'ri [Kyo ] (#18449)

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Posted on
2013-09-16 07:09:28
Actually, eye color doesn't work that way, Liven. Human eye color is very complex and comes from quite a few genes. Your hazel eyes are the result of several genes interacting, not just "green + brown = hazel".

I wouldn't mind a few more eye colors, but I'm not sure I like this idea.

The eye colors we have now are technically realistic for felines, even if not really seen in lions. Red and pink eyes are common in albino animals, which we have in game. There are green, blue, yellow, etc. eyes in real life lions.

Eye colors I'd like : yellow-green, hazel (brown-green), orange, maybe copper (brownish orange)?

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-05-11 10:50:44
Like Tau'ri said, genes can be very complex. More often than not is not simply "x plus x equals this color" but a form of dominant and recessive genes from parents not including further family, the strength of the genes and a thousand other factors I'm sure.

I'm satisfied with the colors we have now because I don't think we can just bring in different shades of colors very easily, but I won't say no to more features XD
EDIT: Eye color features, should have been more specific~

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Edited on 11/05/14 by Cat (#5265)

Littlespoon (#30223)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-05-12 07:09:56
It Wouldn't work with the current methods of 'genetics'. The way the game reads the lioness and lion and chooses the colors of the eyes or mane or base, etc... it wouldn't be able to change the eye color to a 'mixed' color.

If they made more realistic genetics, it still wouldn't work very well, because eye color doesn't really work that way, even in a fantasy game.

I would prefer, personally, a semi-realistic eye color choice. (hey, you want purple eyes, go for it. but why should I 'accidentally' get them due to breeding a pink eyed albino and a blue eyed albino? Ya know? EW. No.)

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OrenOtter [Senpai
Shaggy] (#11207)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-05-12 11:20:47
I'd just want some more colours, but not really like that. So sorry. ;w;

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Kamen Rex (#9488)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2014-05-15 16:20:23
I'd also like to point out that in your set up there....
Blood seems like it's the same as red. Most people would describe the red already in use as blood red, at least I would.
And red + green doesn't not equal anything close to what your are suggesting. Mixing those colors gets you brown.
Dull. Common. Brown.

On a side note, I would support just purple being added as a new eye color. Want me some purpley eyed lions.

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⭐StarGazers⭐ (#30451)

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Posted on
2014-05-20 07:39:55
What about the hetero eyed lions? If you bred a hetero blue and green with an whit eyed lioness what would you get? I think it's to complicated. Or simply unrealistic. (Lol,what do I know about things being realistic and not?)

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