Posted by Search/Refresh Trade Center

GamingGal (#18503)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2013-09-05 10:29:08
So, I've been thinking.

In the Trading Center it only shows a certain amount of trades and pushes the other ones off the page. They still exist, of course, but aren't seen. The only way to get anyone to see your trade if that happens is to either post the link around or cancel your trade and start it over again so it goes to the top. To me that seems a bit useless, so I've come up with two solutions.

1) We should be able to refresh the trades that show up in the Trading Center. When you hit the refresh button, you are shown a new handful of trades. This way you can see trades that have been pushed off the main page.

2) We should be able to search trades by keywords or something. After all, people already practically post all the needed details about their lion in the title of their trade. Since they do that, if you are looking for a certain lion or item, you should be able to search it. Keywords could be stuff like "sub male" or "maltese" We could even have an option to select a number we want the stats (since most mention those) to be higher than.

3) There should be a bump button for the trades that pushes it back up to the top.

These ideas are still rocky cause I've been batting them around a few days, but what do you guys think?

This suggestion has 12 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/09/13 by GamingGal [Nyota] (#18503)

Taka (#17591)

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Posted on
2013-09-05 10:31:35
Or just a 'bump trade' button like with threads.

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